Example sentences of "her [noun] [coord] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She took the cigarette stub from her holder and replaced it with a fresh one .
2 An oriental girl dressed as a matador wrenched off her domino and threw herself at me .
3 She went and took a grey pleated skirt from her case and zipped herself into it .
4 So , like Prince Charles and thousands of less well known amateur artists , Kylie now sits at her easel and loses herself in another world .
5 It was all she had left now , so she had thanked her sister and left it at that .
6 She glared at her sister and kicked her under the table .
7 Once she had turned the corner and the house was hidden from view , she jumped off her bike and pushed it through the maze of potholes that pitted the drive as it meandered the half mile to the main gates .
8 She wrapped up warmly , winding a scarf round her neck , crossing it over her chest and pinning it at the back , as her mother had done in her childhood .
9 And now she did what she had promised herself she would do , and lifted her foot and aimed it at the nun 's shin .
10 I was quite open to her presence and accepted her as part of the household and she charmed me very nicely — she was good at that .
11 She raced upstairs to her apartment and threw herself on the bedcover , a Welsh patchwork quilt in a soft pattern of cream and pink .
12 With a lunge , he grabbed the bag from between her fingers and flung it across the parquet , where it landed with a thump before skidding to rest beneath a radiator , then before she could react to such a flare of violence he was reaching out for her , dragging her into his embrace , his lips ravening hungrily over her own with a fever of desire that sent shock waves of fear and desire quivering through her .
13 Mother licked cream from the ice-cave interior of the meringue , then broke off part of the superstructure with her fingers and popped it into her mouth .
14 She licked her fingers and applied herself to her beer .
15 He clasped her fingers and brought them to his lips .
16 Then she was aware of my gaze , glanced away , blew a puff of air upwards at her face , pinched the T-shirt between her fingers and flapped it for draught .
17 Dazed , she lifted her fingers and rested them against her lips .
18 She stepped on to it and a little breeze caught her hair and lifted it behind her .
19 She looked at herself , practised an attitude , widening her eyes and sucking in her cheeks , then another , chin up , head to one side , Madonna-like in pious ecstasy , then shaking her head to dismiss the bridal vision she had attempted , plucked the lace mat from her hair and added it to the pile with the others she had finished .
20 With a grimace she grabbed her hair and twisted it into a knot on top of her head .
21 They diss whatever takes their fancy , while ‘ the mole ’ flicks her hair and wears lots of silly outfits — just like on photo shoots .
22 A brawl among three women , for example , resulted in one of them ‘ scoring her face with a door key ’ because the other woman ‘ tore her hair and beat her with a poker ’ .
23 The woman who wept over the feet of Jesus in Luke chapter 7 and then proceeded to wipe his feet with her hair and anoint them with ointment , had her sins forgiven .
24 She shuddered , half laughing , the joy reaching her heart and enveloping her in such a wave of pleasure that she felt weak-kneed .
25 Swiftly she detached the hiranu , then unfastened her girdle and handed it to him .
26 She gritted her teeth and made it to her room in spite of everything .
27 But the red bitch chose that same day to pick up the remaining puppy in her teeth and carry it by the scruff of the neck up the ladder and into the house .
28 When he had gone , she found her calculator and slipped it into her bag .
29 Thérèse folded her tea-towel and hung it on the silver bar in front of the range .
30 She tied up her sticks and wrapped them in the silk again .
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