Example sentences of "her [noun] [v-ing] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was the sound of clapping and , startled , she looked up , her hair spreading like a flame on the white pillow .
2 ‘ It is , if the Master is telling whoppers , ’ replied McAllister grimly , her heart bumping with a combination of fear and excitement , as she continued to be provocative .
3 Her flesh was vibrantly alert , too sensitive , her heart thudding like a runner 's , wild hot panic flooding her reactivated mind .
4 Ruth rose , her heart beating with a confusion of emotions — but predominant was a sense of rightness , that she and Fand should unite against Fincara .
5 It was clearly not a time for any angry rejoinder and she almost fled to the kitchen , her heart beating like a hammer .
6 Her heart going like a trip-hammer , Fabia fought valiantly to hold down panic .
7 Her face was flushed , her mouth slightly open , her teeth lying in a glass on the night table .
8 Through the sudden fierce pulsing of her blood , she could hear Taggy describing how she had found her mistress clinging to a bedpost in one of the spare chambers .
9 ‘ I closed off … yes , I did close off my heart because you had closed off yours , ’ she insisted quickly , her words coming in a rush .
10 Do n't push your luck , ’ she said , her words ending in a wail as he picked her up and dumped her in the car like an unwieldy parcel .
11 She considered what she had discovered , her mind racing like a Roladex .
12 Obviously , any knock could send her mind spinning like a top .
13 She emerged from the confines of the turtle-neck , and turned quickly , shaking her hair into place , her lips parting in a smile — And stopped right there .
14 The only alteration in her face was the pucker of her lips melting into a pout of unrelieved gloom as they shut the door behind them .
15 Alice had the impression , as she rose from her chair , that again Felicity was dark and hag-like , her eyes glittering from a wigwam of jet-black hair .
16 He sat down and watched her , fascinated , as she put the bread to her mouth , her eyes closing in a kind of ecstasy when she bit into it .
17 She walked the few steps towards him , her legs shaking like a toddler 's , and stood in front of him , waiting .
18 Ludens went to look at Irina who was on her knees rummaging in a pile of clothes which now covered the floor of the bedroom .
19 She nodded slowly , her mouth curving in a small , remembering smile .
20 The door closed after Harriet , and Sally rifled through her wardrobe looking for a dress of mauve-sprigged white seersucker , slightly yellowed now , and quite out of place amongst the designer gowns .
21 Then as memory returned she closed her eyes , her sigh ending in a groan .
22 The ‘ alimony drone ’ — the leech-woman whose divorce gives her a meal ticket for life so that she can spend her days lolling by a pool peeling grapes while ex-hubby slaves twenty hours a day to earn enough to keep in her in luxury — does not exist here .
23 How on earth , when her heart was thumping and her body drowning in a wave of heat , could she stay angry at him ?
24 Paige closed her eyes , oh , so conscious of her body flowering in a way she 'd never experienced before .
25 In there she found her husband hanging from a beam .
26 A PREGNANT wife returned from a family night out to find her husband dying from a stab wound to his chest .
27 One was from her husband asking for a meeting .
28 She looked so forlorn , so utterly defeated , her head drooping like a snowdrop , her wonderfully lithe body clinging almost orgiastically to the tree trunk .
29 She sat up quickly , her head reeling for a moment .
30 A moment later she felt his finger and thumb at either side of her elbow pinching like a vice as if he needed to punish her physically .
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