Example sentences of "her [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Striding away from the house , Carolyn stubbed her toe badly on a brick end and had to sit down to nurse it .
2 As she flopped down in a corner seat , Constance looked at the man pushing her case on to the rack opposite .
3 She stopped and put her case down for a moment to try and collect herself ; her hands were trembling uncontrollably from the weight .
4 She dropped her robe on to the stool near by and stepped into the water , sinking slowly down into the warmth .
5 She has strong views on most issues and her propensity to express her views boldly at the outset of a Cabinet discussion , combined with a sometimes dismissive attitude towards opposing colleagues , tended to change the atmosphere and polarize Cabinet discussions .
6 I do n't think I had any blood on my hands , for I had held her ankles just below the silver bracelets .
7 Writing to her sister soon after the auction , Virginia was already depreciating her own aesthetic taste and attempted with a joke to pre-empt any criticism : ‘ Monk 's House will be perhaps the ugliest house in Sussex . ’
8 Maggie went to Laura and kissed her sister tenderly on the cheek .
9 AN Aberdeen lecturer is being forced to choose between becoming the first Scots academic to be made redundant and putting her sister out of a job .
10 The dispute was sparked by the university 's decision to force a senior lecturer in the school to choose between compulsory redundancy and putting her sister out of a job .
11 At the centre of the row is the university 's decision to force Sheena Falconer , a senior lecturer in the school , to choose between accepting compulsory redundancy and putting her sister out of a job .
12 Phyllisia too stood up to her father when he says he is going to send her and her sister back to the West Indies .
13 Virginia pushed her bike on to the grass-verge and stood under the heavy foliage of the trees for shelter .
14 Drawing a deep breath , she pushed her bike up to the gate .
15 She kicked out in imitation of martial arts movies , putting her hip behind the blow and landing her foot sideways into the hooligan 's stomach .
16 She nearly lost a shoe pulling her foot out of the hole behind her .
17 The thought of Norman 's discomfiture at finding her gone cheered her a little and she pressed her foot down on the accelerator , anxious to distance herself from the three of them , to reach the safety of home .
18 The engine fired and she pushed her foot down on the accelerator so that the fierce roar echoed her feelings of pent-up frustration .
19 She put her foot down on the pedal and the car leaped forward .
20 With the Further Education Centre now providing facilities for some 40 or more physical activity and Yoga classes , someone had to get her foot in at the door in those early days !
21 Fran smoothed her notes out on the table , willing her hands to stay still when every bit of her was shaking .
22 If he or she undertakes to make a part of his or her income over to a charity for four years or more , the tax the individual pays on that income is given by the tax authorities to the charity concerned .
23 On Thursday , her half-day off from the shop , as Rachaela was sitting in her chair listening to Tchaikovsky ballet music , the door sounded .
24 Rosheen pushed away her empty plate and wiped her fingers absently on a sheet of tissue .
25 She dipped her fingers delicately into a dish and , to my astonishment , popped a morsel of food into my mouth instead of into her own .
26 Lisa drummed her fingers impatiently on the phone table .
27 Virginia clenched her fingers tighter round the bedcover , her heart hammering against her ribs in panic .
28 But having no wish , as Virginia Woolf put it , ‘ to dabble her fingers self-approvingly in the stuff of other souls ’ and believing in the stick and carrot philosophy of human conduct , she joined the police .
29 She ran her fingers gently over the manila surface and felt the outline of something small and cold inside .
30 Helen whispered , running her fingers reverently over the brilliants in Alexandra 's bracelet .
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