Example sentences of "her [noun] [verb] on a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Liz started as an assistant cook just a few months after CCG had won the Grampian contract , but later moved into the office and now bring her experience to bear on a range of tasks .
2 It is not surprising that many citizens ‘ banned and cursed her ’ , nor is it wholly surprising that there were some among them prepared to give her money to go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of St James of Compostella in Spain .
3 Her lips trembled on a smile .
4 Reluctantly she turned her eyes away , then gasped as her eyes fell on a painting in pride of place on the only wall at which she had not as yet glanced .
5 Irritated , she looked away and was about to tackle him about the apartment when her eyes fell on a party of very young children in fairy-tale costumes being shepherded past Quadri 's caffè by doting parents and grandparents .
6 The thin little cat , her repast spread on a newspaper in the corner , dug her sharp white teeth into the cod 's head , closing her eyes in bliss the while .
7 The windows were barred with white painted shutters covered with curtains of crimson velvet , her feet rested on a Turkey carpet and the walls were as thickly covered with pictures as if they had been pages in a stamp collection .
8 Her eye fell on a group of poinsettias .
9 But then her eye lit on a tank of juvenile Uaru …
10 Their present to her was a tortoiseshell brush and comb and mirror , each with her initials engraved on a silver cartouche let into the shell .
11 Half-way through the movie Ms Dash switches on the mental light bulb and asks her suitor how he can afford to buy her diamond rings on a mailboy 's salary .
12 Her government embarked on a policy of national reconciliation after a decade of revolution , war and political polarization .
13 ‘ The little ones — ’ Her voice ended on a half sob .
14 Her voice ended on a semi-screech of joy as they entered the portals of the Bull Inn to partake of sustenance in the coffee room , like Mr Pickwick , Mr Snodgrass , Mr Winkle and Mr Tupman before them .
15 Her voice rose on a note of hysteria .
16 Her voice rose on a note that betrayed how near she was to breaking-point .
17 Her voice trembled on a laugh .
18 Her birthday fell on a Sunday and Sandra was having a big barbecue lunch party .
19 Dr Mowlam said one woman was so desperate to get a house that she and her children lay on a bed in a furniture shop below her Redcar office .
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