Example sentences of "her [noun] [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ , we are told , and when the archdeacon who rebuked her became the next bishop of Carthage she had her majordomo appointed as a rival , with the support of the main body of Numidian bishops .
2 If the Conservatives continued in power , because her GP belongs to a fund-holding practice — a superb Tory system , he insisted — there would be no problem ; he could put her on the waiting list and do the operation next autumn .
3 Elisabeth glanced round the Hall and seeing Mitzi was looking in her direction indicated with a nod and a smile that she would .
4 Her eventual release can only come about through the death of Doc and the proof of her recovery lies in her willingness to participate in a wedding-feast .
5 When I asked Mrs Zamzam what her sons did for a living , a young man interrupted to say that they all worked ‘ for the revolution ’ .
6 She left her sister to rest for a while , and she herself set off at once with her possessions in a basket .
7 It could n't have been very nice for her , thought Karelius , seeing her sister substituted by a woman who had obtained cheap success by such a blatant display of sexuality .
8 Defries stood up , the pain in her chest overwhelmed by a feeling that she recognized as panic .
9 Her foot went into a puddle : the green , algae-filled water slopped up over her trainer .
10 The trouble was , Alexandra thought , walking into her kitchen wrapped in a bath sheet , the trouble was that you could n't really go with the flow until you 'd had time to work out which way it was going .
11 Then , while her insides went into a tangle of mild uproar , he took hold of her by her arms — which in no way helped to mend the way she was feeling — and turned her to face him .
12 She was fortunate in that her income came from a family trust fund , so Ralph had never been able to get his hands on the capital .
13 The facts are : Lady Eleanor kept to herself , put on her cloak to go for a walk and , in the half-light , slipped on the staircase at Godstowe , fell and broke her neck . ’
14 Liz started as an assistant cook just a few months after CCG had won the Grampian contract , but later moved into the office and now bring her experience to bear on a range of tasks .
15 ‘ Gee , ’ Charity Marlowe responded drily from where she sat in a decrepit upholstered chair , her head thrown back , her hair hidden under a towel , and her eyes clenched tightly shut .
16 There was the sound of clapping and , startled , she looked up , her hair spreading like a flame on the white pillow .
17 She was in a Chinese silk robe and had her hair gathered under a mob-cap .
18 Wearing an apron , with her sleeves rolled up and her hair tucked under a duster , Rosie stopped polishing the brasswork on the beer-pumps long enough to throw her a cheerful smile .
19 A thin-faced man , balding , in a shirt open at the neck to reveal gold chains , a woman , obviously beautiful in spite of the quality of the photograph , with her hair tied under a scarf Princess Grace style , and another man with a look of the Mediterranean about him whose face was partially obscured by sunglasses .
20 Nephthys , her arms folded , leant on the jamb , her hair softened by a halo of light from the gatekeeper 's lamp .
21 The intruder was blonde ; her hair shone in a shaft of subdued sunlight from the slatted blind .
22 For an instant her heart skittered like a pebble over water as he pulled her towards him , his fingers hard against her flesh .
23 Her heart thudded like a sledge-hammer .
24 She felt her heart quicken as a car came up the drive and stopped in front of her .
25 Her heart went into a cartoon clinch : Nothing Else Matters !
26 She clutched at these landmarks as her heart soared like a kite , time day and place an anchor to the swooping light of love .
27 She shivered inwardly , a delicious sensation , and felt her heart break into a gallop .
28 ‘ It is , if the Master is telling whoppers , ’ replied McAllister grimly , her heart bumping with a combination of fear and excitement , as she continued to be provocative .
29 Her flesh was vibrantly alert , too sensitive , her heart thudding like a runner 's , wild hot panic flooding her reactivated mind .
30 Both eyes opened and her breath rushed out in a small burst of relief as she rolled over on to her back — and her heart slammed to a stop .
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