Example sentences of "her way [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had to run the barrage of more glances as she made her way over to the new extension , but she knew then that people looking at her was not on account of her being half an hour late , but on account of everyone , it seemed , knowing of her engagement .
2 The wind was cool , and the night was now pitch dark as she made her way slowly to the front door .
3 He pointed to the straight-backed figure of a striking Chinese girl in an embroidered silk dress before whom the crowds were parting as she made her way slowly along the opposite pavement .
4 A stout dinghy capped the lot then , with farewell shouts fading astern , Viking threaded her way carefully through the broken water and turned her bow northward once more .
5 Isabel picked her way carefully over the rough bank , the cramped muscles in her legs protesting at the exercise , and took the reins .
6 On arriving , she worked her way round to the front window .
7 Still moving slowly , intending to make her way round to the back door , up to her room , collect her belongings , then leave the same way , she caught her breath when a stealthy hand caught hold of her arm .
8 At some stage in her sleep of exhaustion she drifted close enough to the surface of consciousness to be aware of a deep voice exclaiming over her , of strong arms that lifted and carried her , but in no way could she fight her way up from the smothering blanket of physical and mental fatigue .
9 It was a hard , fast drive through the congested streets , the girl picking her way expertly through the back streets to avoid the worst of the jams .
10 So she was surprised , and vaguely annoyed , to see Sandra Bamfield picking her way cautiously over the large rocks that had to be scaled to get to the privacy of this particular beach .
11 So , sometimes running and sometimes walking , she made her way quickly across the far-flung heath .
12 If she could make her way along to the right ladder , she would be able to climb up to the painted clouds high overhead .
13 She was making her way happily toward the roped-in square from which the fancy-dress competitors were to start their parade when suddenly a big black alsatian dog bounded up to her .
14 Suddenly , she was fighting her way out of the hot embrace , pushing at his hard shoulders , her swollen lips muttering , ‘ No !
15 Stepping high in the light gravity and brandishing the bag before her , she ploughed her way out into the open air .
16 No one even noticed her as she slipped out into the dance-floor , and made her way out down the rickety steps .
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