Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [vb past] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dorothy Hardisty did not actually take over from Sir Charles Stead as executive director until the outbreak of war , but by then she had already made her presence felt as an able and energetic deputy .
2 Her long black tresses were to go and her hair restyled with a soft perm .
3 Her heart thudded with a fierce violence .
4 Her heart went to a 57-year-old man , her liver to a baby of eight months , her kidneys to a teenage girl and boy , and her corneas were used to save the sight of two people .
5 Her heart lurched into an erratic beat .
6 Her heart lurched with an indefinable longing .
7 And while her heart plodded to a dull beat , ‘ It looks as if I shall have to work the entire weekend , ’ he stated .
8 The vacuum cleaner ran smoothly , efficiently over the rich dark-yellow pile , collecting cigarette ash , canapé crumbs , scattered bulb fibre ; her mind sang with a faint clear high-pitched hum like a well-serviced machine .
9 Her neck rose in a long , rounded column to a face which , though not classically beautiful — the nose was too tilted , the mouth too wide — was heart-stopping in its freshness , its air of innocence combined with its look of deep , untapped feminine knowledge .
10 Twice she was in the very act , loaded fork in her hand , when her breathing quickened , her mouth drew into a forbidding shiver of disgust , and she waited for the next signal to come round .
11 Her mouth opened in a round O of woe on an undulating panorama of partially masticated cream bun .
12 The irreversibility of her mutilation lay like a fallen tree across her spirit .
13 ‘ Let me never forget ’ — her anxiety relaxed into a peaceful seriousness — ‘ the beauty of that sight ’ .
14 Dorothea stayed in the sunlit kitchen with her tea , happy at the letter , her loss of purpose , her anxiety dissipated like a past illness , already wondered at , the symptoms forgotten .
15 Her cackle turned into a bronchial cough .
16 But by the morning of the fifth day , rider and horse became a team , and by that afternoon Artemis and her teacher went for a stiff ten-mile hack .
17 She refused even to look at Ace , although her body clamoured with a painful intensity as soon as he came to stand next to her .
18 British Rail could win back part of the record damages paid to a widow after her husband died from an asbestos-related disease .
19 Her head throbbed like a burst boil , but there was nothing there …
20 His mouth met hers with bruising force , and the clamour inside her head rose to a deafening crescendo , the world twisted and turned , tossing her adrift with the turbulence of a whirlwind .
21 She had n't known , when she agreed to Caro 's suggestion , that her friend lived on a narrow boat .
22 Her smile turned into a feral grin as she glanced at her wrist computer .
23 At the top of the lighthouse Grace and her father came into a small room .
24 ‘ Now take this meatloaf , boys , ’ her father announced after a long silence , for no-one talked unless directly addressed by the head of the family .
25 Her father saw in a vulgar simulacrum of coloured lights and trilling music a true portrayal of a great maritime tragedy ; whereas for her the reality was best conveyed by a simple , static canvas adorned with pigment .
26 In the gap between the brassière and the pinched waistband of her skirt , her flesh bulged in a pale soft band .
27 Her breath came in a shaky release of tension .
28 In 1852 Empress Amélia , widow of King Pedro IV of Brazil , and her daughter arrived on a Portuguese navy boat , and in 1860 Elizabeth , Empress of Austria , wife of Franz Josef , arrived on the British royal yacht Victoria and Albert .
29 Her government began with a huge surrender , the quite unexpected settlement in which she acquiesced which ended the long-running saga of British relations with the former Southern Rhodesia , now renamed Zimbabwe .
30 Every time Ellie crept into her dead mother 's room , she knew she should not be there , and she would hesitate on the threshold of the airless room , while the skin on her scalp prickled with a guilty excitement .
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