Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [conj] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She wrapped up warmly , winding a scarf round her neck , crossing it over her chest and pinning it at the back , as her mother had done in her childhood .
2 She shuddered , half laughing , the joy reaching her heart and enveloping her in such a wave of pleasure that she felt weak-kneed .
3 Adrenalin surged through her veins , clearing her mind and filling her with determination .
4 She waited for morning , the words playing through her mind and keeping her from sleep .
5 Instead she lifted her hair with both hands , smoothing it up from the nape of her neck and piling it on top of her head in a soft copper mound .
6 She had been thinking about her future and discussing it with her parents , and all of them had decided to sell the shop .
7 ‘ Put that on , ’ he ordered , picking up her over-tunic and throwing it at her .
8 ‘ It was a long time ago , ’ Roman said softly , slipping his arm round her waist and holding her against him as they walked .
9 ‘ Time for tea , ’ Roman said , replacing his arm round her waist and steering her into a nearby café .
10 He was straightening slightly , slipping his free hand round her waist and gathering her against him .
11 At weekends she 's out with her husband or preparing something for their friends in her new kitchen with its microwave , food processor and dishwasher to take the strain .
12 He wanted to marry her , but she laughed at him too , and said she had already made her choices and they did not include giving up her God and replacing him with a somewhat vulgar and certainly brutal man .
13 It subsequently emerged that he had been assassinated by a young Tamil woman who triggered explosives strapped to her back while presenting him with a bouquet .
14 For she had taken her mind from his marauding hands and , with a low guttural cry , he had succeeded in stripping off her top and flinging it from them into the dark recesses of the room .
15 David had n't been on duty at the factory that afternoon and Rachel had wondered if he would suggest picking her up from her flat and taking her to the hospital , but he had n't , and his failure to do so only emphasised the coolness that was rapidly growing between them .
16 ‘ Good morning , ’ she greeted him stiffly , letting him into her flat and preceding him into her sitting-room .
17 She remembered Doc Threadneedle suggesting she try sucking her finger and sticking it in an electric socket .
18 As she swayed dizzily he caught her , stripping off her dressing-gown and placing her in bed .
19 Ace answered , unclipping a spare gun from her belt and handing it to the Professor .
20 Shaken off balance by her startling thoughts , Isabel glanced away , stepping out of her gown and hanging it over the table .
21 Then the dome was echoing with the last anthem : she was walking out into the September sunshine on João 's arm ; the crowds were cheering in the streets , gasping at the splendour of her dress and showering her with flowers and petals .
22 I imagined the fat man 's wife , a fat woman , making her way alone through the palm trees , tearing a strip from her dress and tying it to the shrine .
23 She kept walking round her box , sighing , and picking bits out of her haynet and dropping them on the floor .
24 Now , as she prepared to close the window , the robin returned , standing only inches from her hand and eyeing her with great deliberation , his tiny head cocked to one side and his bright eyes glinting in the sunshine .
25 This time it was Tessa , holding her pyjamas in her hand and wearing nothing but the tweed overcoat pulled tightly around her .
26 As he spoke , he was drawing back slightly , capturing her hand and carrying it to tumescent flesh pulsing with vigorous life .
27 ‘ I did , ’ she said , taking the fag from behind her ear and putting it in her mouth .
28 ‘ Like some coffee ? ’ said Wilcox , taking her coat and hanging it on the back of the door .
29 Helping with her physiotherapy and supporting her through what was very painful treatment .
30 Some hours later , out she went again , flying in her mortar and rowing it with the pestle .
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