Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [verb] up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It was a black cleavage-revealing affair topped by a sparkling gold necklace , and with her hair swept up into a sophisticated style the older woman made Lucy feel like a country cousin .
2 Black silk skirt maroon blouse her hair done up in a bun draped with gold jewellery oh talk about looking the part !
3 She wore her hair squeezed up into a ballooning Afro by the same red bandana that she had worn down on the dock the first time Trent had seen her .
4 He was used to contrasts : Mother taking morning tea in bed with an old shawl round her shoulders and her hair pinned up under a boudoir cap , her face sticky with face cream as he kissed her good bye before school ; and Mother in full evening dress decked out in false pearls , her eyelashes beaded with mascara , dominating the stage in any play 's Last act …
5 In spite of this , it was half an hour before she came downstairs dressed up to the nines in a pin-striped trouser-suit , her hair caught up in a turban of white silk .
6 Isobel looked up and laughed herself , her nose wrinkling up like a child 's .
7 Whoever she was living with , roused by the smell of burning , had come downstairs to discover her slumped across the hearth with her head pressed up against a glowing electric fire .
8 At ten-thirty-five , a stout woman in a blue overall with plain , pale-blue collar and cuffs to denote her seniority came up with a clipboard and said , ‘ Tim and Anna .
9 Her face screwed up in a mixture of pain and self-disgust .
10 Her face lit up with a delighted smile as she gazed at an abandoned plate of half-eaten sandwiches on a nearby table .
11 Elaine giggled , and her face lit up with a glorious smile .
12 However , her face lit up in a smile when she heard his voice .
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