Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He stood looking down at her as she lay with her hair spread out on the pillow , her eyes still half shut by the heaviness of sleep and her lips smiling .
2 Sister Rosario looked at the pinched face of Maura Ryan and her heart went out to the child .
3 Louisa received it so , and her heart went out to the suffering woman .
4 Charity felt her heart go out to the other woman .
5 ‘ When her heart goes out of the game that 's it .
6 Her window looked out of the back of the house , onto what had once been a small garden .
7 I called in on Ruth at lunchtime today and found her sitting up in her wheelchair looking out at the garden and seeming much better and as bright as usual — a nice nurse in attendance .
8 Ianthe was glad when the woman and her child got out at the next station , for not only did she find the conversation embarrassing but she also wanted to think about the moments before her unexpected meeting with Agnes Dalby — moments which she had so far had no chance of reliving or considering .
9 On the magazine , Jane 's main task was to wrestle with the anglicising of indifferent American short stories , while the particular harpy who was her boss gazed out of the window for ninety per cent of the time .
10 On Oct. 8 the United Kingdom had entered the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European monetary system of the European Communities ( EC ) , but at the subsequent European Council meeting in Rome Thatcher had been isolated in her opposition to an early move towards the second stage of economic and monetary union ( EMU ) and in the strength of her determination to hold out against the possible ultimate introduction of a single European currency [ see pp. 37782-73 ] .
11 Her husband stepped out from the crowd and stopped her .
12 Today the trees have gone but the lead cast of the Stephen Tomlin sculpture of her head stares out from the garden towards the marshes .
13 Turning her head to look out of the window again , she felt her heart drumming with rage .
14 She deliberately turned her head to gaze out of the window once more .
15 Still her father stared out of the window .
16 Her father came out of the kitchen .
17 What prompted her father to go out with the hand-cart she did n't know , because underneath it all he was a proud man .
18 She met her father coming out of the surgery .
19 There were times when the ministry of her Son left her feeling cut out of the action , and she was amazed and perhaps frightened at what she had unleashed on the world .
20 Back at the 18th green the Princess had not yet been given her cue to come out onto the dais where the presentations were to be made .
21 I am much , much more concerned about her voice lasting out for the evening .
22 Her voice came out of the dingy light in the far end of the room to where she had retreated again and Rosen had not dared look while delivering this speech .
23 Her voice boomed out around the echoing hangar .
24 Her voice boomed out around the echoing hangar .
25 Her scream echoed out onto the water beyond the house .
26 The lettering on the bag looks too garish for the occasion , but at least wo n't get out of the car and find the remnants of her life spilling out into the gutter .
27 Her hand went out to the telephone , then drew back .
28 It took all her strength to reach out for the receiver and raise it stiffly to her ear .
29 Or was it ? she wondered , her memory reaching out to the feel of Silas 's arms holding her against him , and to his lips resting upon her own .
30 The girl who was driving smiled at Roger and pulled up , and she and her brother got out of the car .
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