Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Julie pulled in and her sister ran across to the two booths , pulling the piece of paper from her handbag , finding Paxton 's number .
2 She begs her sister to go up to the top of the tower of the castle and look out for them , and keeps calling out to her , ‘ Anne , sister Anne , dost thou see nothing coming ? ’
3 In the garden , her sister drove ferociously at the root of a weed clump with her fork , allowing her aching back and legs to take the place of thought .
4 Her sister jumped back from the letter-cage .
5 But when she was over here , she sold up and her sister sold up at the same time .
6 I had first met Olive Kerr on a visit to Los Angeles in 1938 ; she and her sister moved freely within the circle of ‘ the British colony ’ in Hollywood .
7 Her foot slipped suddenly through the net .
8 He stood looking down at her as she lay with her hair spread out on the pillow , her eyes still half shut by the heaviness of sleep and her lips smiling .
9 Her heart throbbed heavily at the thought that Dana could be hurt , perhaps worse .
10 Sister Rosario looked at the pinched face of Maura Ryan and her heart went out to the child .
11 Louisa received it so , and her heart went out to the suffering woman .
12 ‘ How do I look — ’ She stopped dead , her heart flipping over under the sweater as Penry Vaughan leapt to his feet at the sight of her , the height and breadth of him overpowering the entire room .
13 Charity felt her heart go out to the other woman .
14 ‘ When her heart goes out of the game that 's it .
15 His hair was standing slightly on end , as if he had forgotten to comb it , and he was n't wearing a tie , and it was ridiculous the way her heart lurched just at the sight of him , Lindsey thought .
16 She jumped to her feet , her face white , her eyes haunted , her heart beating painfully at the thought of what she had to do .
17 Even Nutty could see what an apathetic beast he was , and her heart contracted suddenly at the thought of their four stupid old horses going back to the knacker 's .
18 She was glad at last to have a use for information from Robert : it justified her relationship with him and her decision to press ahead with the case .
19 Frowning , she let her mind drift back to the events of two years ago .
20 ‘ My father called me Breeze , ’ she added , as he seemed interested ; and as she said that her mind went back to the hot summer 's day when her father had given her the nickname which had been adopted by everyone .
21 Well it was n't er the wife it was a bit of a setback , we had a bungalow you see , a small bungalow which was in a very , very nice part of Plymouth , well on the outskirts of Plymouth actually , almost in the country and er , to come and find this , well to her it 'd be like a , a terraced house , her mind went back to the old days in Manchester where she came from with the old terraced houses and I think she visualized that then to go in a house that had a , a square room , do you follow ?
22 Her mind drifted back to the first day they 'd seen Crystal Springs .
23 This revolving of him in her mind led invariably to the same end , the same fear , that he would go away from Hilderbridge without her seeing him and then she would never see him again .
24 She sipped her ale , then frowned as her mind skittered back over the conversation .
25 The thought of it filled her with an immense regret because a child could not stay a child there would be men ( a man she hoped ) in Nicandra 's life , Aunt Tossie thought with pity and some disgust — her mind scampered hurriedly from the contemplation of a subject not forbidden so much as not existing for her .
26 No , not at all , and then , even in her confused state , her mind shied away from the reasons for her distaste , and she found herself saying even through her pain and shock , ‘ I will not think about that , I will not , ’ and so saying she stopped struggling and sank back into oblivion once more .
27 Her mind skimmed back to the dinner on Friday night .
28 Her mind gnawed away at the questions .
29 Robyn asked , just a little shakily as her mind raced ahead to the possibilities before her and then retreated with equal speed , because her mind did n't like what it saw .
30 As she hurried down a long corridor , her mind groped backwards over the events of the previous night .
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