Example sentences of "her [noun pl] [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Patsy and her sons arrived in the village on Friday evening and spoke to us on the telephone .
2 That night , the glow of her lanterns shimmered on the water like dancing jewels : they seemed to beckon to Sara in a strange , seductive way .
3 Her fingers toyed with the ends of the fine saffron scarf she wore in her hair , a floppy bow peeping provocatively from her curls just below one ear .
4 He was sitting just a matter of inches away , when he moved to reach for a coffee-cup she caught the smell of freshly washed hair , and her fingers itched with the memory of tangling themselves in those jet-black waves .
5 Surprise kept her silent for a moment while her fingers tightened on the receiver .
6 Her fingers danced over the keyboard , uncertain at first , then more sure .
7 His hair was thick and warm , and her fingers revelled in the feel of it , creeping around the back of his skull where she half-heartedly tugged to bring his head back so that she no longer ached for his kisses to continue .
8 She grunted as her fingers scrabbled with the cellophane wrapping .
9 Her teeth chattered against the cup .
10 Lally gasped and coughed , she even spat , her teeth gleamed against the mud .
11 Her teeth sank into the hand at her mouth and the man yelped , staggering away .
12 For the umpteenth time the leopard-skin coat which she wore slung about her shoulders slid to the carpet .
13 But her words tumbled down the hill with him : ‘ … the son he never had … have to go home …
14 Her eyes glowed with the remembrance of things past .
15 Her eyes drank in the cameo of the small child held by the tall man .
16 Her eyes ran over the company for a moment , and then she turned away to go inside again .
17 In a fast sweep her eyes ran from the top of his dark head down to the tips of his elegant feet , and she bit back a groan as she realised that that tempting glimpse of his body had done nothing to prepare her for Luke Calder in the magnificent flesh .
18 Her mother was the original cockeyed optimist , Jo thought fondly , as her eyes strayed to the window .
19 Her eyes strayed to the card that she still held in her hand and she almost started as she saw , written in plain bold print , a name that had featured with such regularity recently in the headlines of the business section of the local newspaper that she could not fail to recognise it .
20 Her eyes darted round the club as though seeking an escape route and she gave a hollow groan .
21 Her eyes twinkled with the fun of it all .
22 Her eyes gleamed in the candlelight .
23 Momentarily undecided as to whether to go on looking or to give up the chase there and then , her eyes lingered on the stranger 's face , and for a heart-beat , or less , his features blurred , and in their flux , caught as if by the sun off a wing in the stratosphere , she saw Gentle , his hair swept back from his high forehead , his grey eyes all yearning , his mouth , which she 'd not known she missed till now , ready to break into a smile .
24 Her eyes glanced round the room before coming to rest on the lithe and handsome man sitting opposite .
25 So her eyes fell on the water jar .
26 A fierce , terrified elation raced through her veins as her eyes fell on the knife only an inch away from her hand .
27 Her eyes fell to the paint-peeled , much loved miniature moke which was clutched tight in his plump fist .
28 Her eyes flickered to the cabaret .
29 His wife took him into her body , and her eyes glittered in the half-darkness .
30 Breeze cried sharply , and her eyes travelled to the hook by the hat-stand where his lead always hung .
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