Example sentences of "her [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If a child does not know any other black people , he or she does not value them ; all his or her values descend from the adoptive parents .
2 Bessie nodded , glad for the chance of making her views known to the young mother , and she quickly flounced off out of the kitchen .
3 The three categories are very broad , as Joan Woodward and her researchers discovered in the 1950's during their work on industrial organization in Essex ( See Chapter 13 paras .
4 She was speaking too quickly , her heart hammering in response to the lies she had told , all her defences raised against a potential enemy .
5 Bright little creature — it took her just three minutes to work this out as her antennae fluttered in the sudden sweet smelling breeze .
6 Japan was not unique in the problems faced by her rural population , but her attempts to search for an external outlet for domestic discontent were unusually vigorous .
7 Her hands slid up his arms to grip his shoulders , her fingers digging into the soft material of his shirt as though he alone could anchor her .
8 But her fingers ran over the strong column of his neck , tangled in the dark silkiness of her hair at his nape , then he was drawing her soft , pliant curves closer until their bodies merged in a powerful force of energy that was frightening , all-consuming in its intensity .
9 Fen 's mouth was on hers once more , and Robbie began to tremble again , her fingers moving into the thick blackness of his hair .
10 In sudden abandon she allowed her arms to creep up round his neck , her fingers to sink into the short hair at the back of his head while at the same time parting her lips and welcoming the exciting exploration of his tongue .
11 She glared up at him through the darkness , her fingers clinging to the reassuring warmth of his broad shoulders .
12 Her hands lifted to cradle his head , and hold him against her , her fingers raking through the crisp dark hair .
13 Silently , her fingers searched in the dim light , feeling her way , moving over the polished surface of the table , then , straightening , she went and stood by the side of the door , a slender , pale figure , waiting in the shadows of the night .
14 Her hands slid up his chest , her fingers uncurling against the hard wall of muscle , tracing every strong lean line until they brushed against the warm skin of his throat , then slid on to draw his head back down while she kissed him just as tenderly , just as achingly as he had kissed her .
15 She caught his arm , her fingers biting into the soft wool of his suit jacket as she glared up at him with angry eyes .
16 Her fingers clenched into the soft material of her flame-coloured dress , crushing the delicate fabric .
17 When she arched finally , feeling him convulse with a groan between joy and pain , she was swept by waves of pride at the gift that had been given and received , her fingers pulling at the thick dark hair , pushing possessively over the muscles of his back , sliding down the sweat-soaked hollows of his spine to the tight muscles slackening in the aftermath of love .
18 One arm went round his neck , her fingers tangling in the silky hair at his nape .
19 Her fingers worked at a small lace handkerchief , twisting and untwisting it in an extremity of nervous tension .
20 They were full of movement , the maids , but the strange girl was as still as a hunting cat , her fingers closed over the cheap pin and her eyes open now .
21 Her fingers closed round the small bottle of sleeping tablets Dana had been prescribed when she had stayed with Claudia after a bout of flu .
22 Her hands slid up , her fingers running along the strong line of his throat to caress the faintly rough skin along his jaw , her fingertips burning at the contact .
23 Her eyes slipped across and down to glimpse any words not covered by her fingers spread over the top page : ‘ hours ’ , ‘ be with you ’ , ‘ your name ’ , ‘ love ’ , ‘ last night ’ .
24 May walked home from school with her fingers spread like a beached starfish .
25 Her fingers glided over the frilled edges of daisy-shaped buttons .
26 Her fingers clutched at the light material of his jacket sleeve as though imploring him to listen .
27 Her fingers withdrew from the soft cloth and her cheeks went rose-pink with humiliation .
28 Having cut her teeth touring with a socialist theatre collective , her formal training has been by a battery of French mime gurus .
29 Standing there , her feet in slimy water , her teeth chattering in the chilling dampness of the tunnels , she felt her sense of purpose draining away .
30 Her teeth bared in a tight smile .
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