Example sentences of "so [adv] as they [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is regarded as a Good Thing by Orcs who are universally content with their lot , being ultimately happy to meet their end in battle so long as they get a chance of a good fight .
2 No , I 'm sure that they that so long as they pass the audition they are always welcome .
3 People are like chameleons : they can adjust themselves to any environment so long as they 've no alternative .
4 The senior officials of these institutions are therefore more or less free to act as they wish , so long as they show a reasonable profit .
5 Ailing animals , so long as they have a solvent owner in two , are our bread and butter .
6 The intermediate targets should be destinations in their own right so long as they offer a good starting point for the next stage .
7 It is irrelevant to the Purchaser whether or not the Vendors know the warranties are right or wrong so long as they accept the risk .
8 There seems to be a strong argument now that the provisions of Regulation 5 of the UK Transfer Regulations , in so far as they make the transfer of the contract of employment compulsory on the employee as well as the employer , are ultra vires and so susceptible to judicial review , in the sense that the government in making the Regulations exceeded the powers conferred on it by the European Communities Act 1972 to make law by delegated legislation .
9 worried about them being so far as they 've the only child , and talked them into come down and live with us , so then I applied and got a move to just after it was built , which was a four bedroom house .
10 None of the operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) , in so far as they affect the minors , can make a minor of order r + 1 nonzero , nor make the minor of order r vanish , since they merely condense these minors .
11 But this was a drama , the story of the circumstances of Van Gogh 's life ; ‘ No attempt has been made , ’ wrote Meier-Graefe , ‘ to make a critical analysis of the pictures , which enter upon the scene only in so far as they concern the drama directly or indirectly . ’
12 The original people are ancestors of the Chewong in so far as they represent the mythical past , but not in the sense that they are transformed dead of today .
13 But they minimize the difference in so far as they propound a thoroughgoing assimilation of male and female desires .
14 Without any application to the court , the mortgagee , if his mortgage is a conveyance of the legal estate or ownership , may take possession ; but this course is hazardous , since he may be called upon in a redemption action to account strictly not only for profits actually received by him , but also for those which he might but for his default have received , and all such profits , so far as they exceed the interest due for the time being , must be set off against the principal .
15 Promoters of public investment projects should take into account the external effects of their actions in so far as they alter the physical production possibilities of other producers or the satisfaction that consumers get from given resources .
16 Definitions are useful only in so far as they encapsulate a particular conception or theory of the phenomena one wishes to study .
17 These are briefly described in Table 8.4 , and there are numerous examples which indicate that , overall , carefully managed agroforestry enterprises can be successful in so far as they provide a sustainable food supply and are environmentally conservational .
18 In so far as they have a derivation , it is from the post of Senior Teacher established at the time of the Houghton Review - but seniority , per se , is not a management function .
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