Example sentences of "so [adv] as it [was/were] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At first , this stress on ‘ natural religion ’ , as it was called , did not necessarily mean the abandonment of Christianity as revealed in the Scriptures ; so long as it was not inconsistent with reason , it could be accepted .
2 They were bound by it so long as it was not in conflict with their statutory duty .
3 Now it was again being ruled that the Yugoslavs should be handed over , so long as it was not necessary to use force — but to this a subsequent note now added a very important qualification .
4 Perhaps now Merymose was beginning to share Kenamun 's desire for an arrest at any price , so long as it was soon .
5 Any direction was as good as another — so long as it was away from that thing .
6 Chicken 's feet used to give the lie to my bravura claim to Eat Anything , so long as it was recently dead .
7 However and whenever it was first formulated , this pangenetic reduction of every mode of generation to micro-ovulo-gemmation could take inheritance , in so far as it was completely conservative , to be effected by an exact replication of a whole in all its parts ; so that variation , reversion and so on are explicable as disturbances , suspensions and complications of that fundamental replicative tendency .
8 Thus the anti-aristocratic debate , in so far as it was not a literary fashion , was a polemical weapon in a struggle within the nobility between the nobility nobility allow it trained golillas ( pen-men , usually of modest noble origin ) and the ‘ military ’ aristocracy , who may have regarded office as the reward of rank .
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