Example sentences of "so [adv] [subord] it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , it appears that electronic exchanges have wider bid-ask spreads , which might be a reflection of inadequate liquidity due to the lack of locals ( although there seems to be no inherent reason why individuals trading on their own account could not use an electronic system so long as it enables the scalping and other arbitrage trading practices typically carried out by locals ) .
2 So long as it maintains the idea that believers talking to unbelievers are like people explaining to the blind what it is like to see , reason may be tolerated .
3 Indeed , it is most unlikely that Israel will give up its nuclear capability in the foreseeable future , so long as it foresees a threat to its land from its neighbour .
4 The Bike Sub-Committee was still being urged to proceed , yet a month later the subject was adjourned , only to be urged on again the month following — ‘ so long as it had a corrugated iron roof ’ , presumably a financial stringency to keep the cost down to £15 .
5 It is clear then that the DUP will receive the votes of the working-class loyalists so long as it retains an image of being more unionist than the Officials , unless there should be an alternative to the right of the DUP .
6 He might feel that any heir , even one who disinherits him , is worth having so long as it keeps the name going . ’
7 British law in this area is roughly based on the liberal precept that immorality may only be tolerated so long as it remains a wholly private matter .
8 In the case of a private company , a pre-1982 pre-emptive requirement is to be treated as if it were in its memorandum or articles so long as it remains a private company .
9 Clearly , this must be the case so long as it remains the only easily available platform for interactive multimedia .
10 Any word could follow any other word , just so long as it matched the phonetic input description .
11 NEXT loops execute at integer speed whether or not the control variable is an " integer variable " ( % type ) , so long as it has an integer value .
12 It need not be accurate so long as it shows the disposition of the rooms — — information which will be of great value later .
13 But at least it pays no rent and in practice it is secure so long as it farms the land and avoids bankruptcy .
14 So long as it invested the money in buses , that was all right .
15 It will do so only if it frustrates the contract ( i.e. renders it impossible to carry it out — see Chapter 4 ) .
16 It does , however , link the law to the idea of harm and this is valuable in so far as it reduces the risk that boisterous behaviour , or other non-violent activity , can by itself amount to a breach of the peace .
17 Meanwhile , on 20 July , at the request of the applicant 's solicitors , Price had sworn an affidavit repudiating his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant .
18 Price was then called to give evidence in person on behalf of the applicant , and he again repudiated his evidence before the Swedish court in so far as it implicated the applicant , on the ground that his evidence had been obtained by pressure exerted upon him by officers of the Swedish and Norwegian police .
19 However , as I have recorded , Price gave evidence before the magistrate in the course of which he retracted his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant .
20 He however submitted that the magistrate was obliged to look at the whole of the evidence emanating from Price and that , since Price had retracted his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant , that evidence must be regarded as worthless and wholly unreliable , and so incapable of forming the basis of a committal .
21 It was Mr. Newman 's submission that the matters to which regard should be had in the present case were ( 1 ) the lapse of time between the commission of the alleged offences and the request for extradition , and ( 2 ) the fact that the accusation against the applicant was contrary to the interests of justice , in that it would lead to the trial of the applicant in Sweden on the basis of the record of Price 's evidence , despite the fact that Price had subsequently retracted that evidence in this country in so far as it implicated the applicant .
22 And none of this would matter Chairman I do n't think er whether E two whether E two was in or out of the structure plan only matters in so far as it bears a part of the making of local plans and the making of planning applications in the county .
23 He himself emphasized his concern to record the good and bad that was being done in his own day , especially in so far as it concerned the Church , and he noted among the principal actors , kings , catholics and heretics .
24 Any tense which includes a component of the present tense such as the passé composé ( il a écrit ) is personal in so far as it acknowledges the present moment of the utterance .
25 But this was a ‘ bourgeois ’ phenomenon only in so far as it reflected the hegemony of bourgeois respectability .
26 Although the Labour Left may have considered this official conversion to Socialism somewhat belated , it was attracted to the Peace Alliance only in so far as it represented a continuation of previous Unity campaigns .
27 The nominal value is meaningless and may be misleading , except in so far as it determines the minimum liability .
28 The price is not important except in so far as it determines the number of units to be created after subscriptions have been received .
29 Law and custom thus defend the family as the prime agent of socialisation only in so far as it fulfils the task currently prescribed .
30 In addition , the new knowledge about economic and demographic change in the past has suggested that it is urgent to reconsider several aspects of the received wisdom about the industrial revolution , notably the assumptions made by contemporaries about declining marginal returns in agriculture ; changes in the occupational structure of the English labour force before and during the industrial revolution ; and , more generally , the viability of the concept itself so far as it connotes a unitary and progressive phenomenon .
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