Example sentences of "so [adv] as [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Its distribution in space becomes more and more contorted by the velocity fluctuations , but so long as molecular diffusion plays no role , the marked fluid is always just the same fluid .
2 So long as criminological theory drew from ahistorical empirical data from the United States and Europe it was possible to construct theories relatively consistent with the available evidence .
3 So long as other leaders do not follow Dubček 's example , Moscow can be confident of dealing with known quantities in its client states and of possessing means to manipulate factional rivalries to its own advantage .
4 That prospect is anyway slight so long as Soviet-American cosiness continues and Iraq 's war machine remains broken .
5 So long as parliamentary sovereignty remains " the one fundamental law " of the Constitution , there is no way in which substantive rights can be entrenched and put beyond the reach of Parliament .
6 American officials generously agree that there is nothing wrong with government schemes to spend money on PCs , so long as foreign firms have a fair chance to bid for orders .
7 But so long as English law refuses to recognise that parent companies are under a legal as well as a moral obligation to meet the debts of their subsidiaries the group accounts are largely irrelevant so far as creditors are concerned since they normally have resort only against the individual company with which they have dealt .
8 This probably represents the future , at any rate so long as petroleum-led growth continues to provide opportunities for differentiation .
9 In so far as colonial bureaucracy extended its activities beyond law and order and the collection of revenues , they were perceived of as ‘ nation building responsibilities ’ ( Dube 1964 ) .
10 It was tempting to the author to use one part of his own surname — Kease — which , so far as current research reveals , is unique to his family .
11 In so far as modern historians have tried to explain it , it is simply as a continuation of the war of 1173 This however , it was not .
12 So far as English lawyers have theorized about the nature of corporate personality at all , they at one time for the most part accepted the doctrine of the Canon Law , that such personality is a mere fiction of the law with no basis in fact .
13 But so far as natural substances go we are all gazing countrymen .
14 But the effect left in the mind by this UK and USA reservation is unfortunate : it suggests , rightly or wrongly , that these nuclear powers are prepared to support the most elaborate codification limiting the use of conventional force , but at the same time want to keep their hands completely free so far as nuclear weapons use is concerned .
15 The characteristic network structures of these different types of community are also relevant to the manner in which change may come about , in so far as urban growth tends at first to weaken strong pre-existing rural networks .
16 Brownlow was felt by many in the group to be typical of government sponsored community economic development initiatives in that it was unrepresentative of local people in so far as local people felt excluded from the processes that were happening , even though substantial resources were being made available through the initiative .
17 Valuev foresaw this possibility and let it be known that , in so far as preliminary censorship continued to be available , it would be harsh .
18 In so far as top businessmen play a decisive role in company strategy — as distinct from its public presentation — the talents they need will vary from one situation to another .
19 It was a sign that Ceauşescu intended to go much further than Dej in rehabilitating the Romanian past and distancing the Communist regime from the original Soviet model , at least so far as public presentation went .
20 Those consequences can be avoided ( and Community law respected ) in so far as national courts interpret national legislation so as to comply with the terms of the directive in question .
21 So far as resident proprietors went this rough yardstick makes a useful indicator as to the probability of their owning land in other places .
22 In so far as bureaucratic power has become a problem for modern democracy , it has been a result of the inadequacies of political control as much as the internal features of bureaucracies themselves .
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