Example sentences of "so [adv] as [art] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And so long as a transaction falls within the scope of an activity set out in the objects clause ( ’ manufacturing ’ , ‘ property development ’ , and so on ) it will be authorised .
2 So long as a judge keeps silent his reputation for wisdom and impartiality remains unassailable : but every utterance which he makes in public , except in the course of the actual performance of his judicial duties , must necessarily bring him within the focus of criticism .
3 So long as a tiger stands still or moves slowly , its stripes make it practically invisible in the jungle or among reeds .
4 Articles 85 and 86 of Table A ( prescribed pursuant to the Companies Act 1985 ) provide that so long as a director has disclosed his interest to the company , he may be a party to or interested in any transaction , and shall not by reason of his office be accountable to the company for any benefit he receives from such a transaction .
5 But so long as no resources used in ‘ selling ’ or in producing are owned monopolistically , we are forced to conclude that this activity is essentially competitive and can not result in any kind of monopolistic control over production or any impairment of the competitive process .
6 Just so long as no emergency came up …
7 So long as an apparatchik continued to be invited to join the Ceauşescus at play , even the ceaseless rotation of offices could not disguise his continuing status as one of the leaders .
8 So long as the adventurers keep out of the circle , all well and good .
9 The Soviet Union , for its part , let it be known that if serious trouble did break out in East Germany Soviet troops would not move in , as they did to quell the 1953 revolt — so long as the West did not interfere either .
10 8.4 If at any time is at default in performance or observance of any of its obligations under this Agreement , shall be entitled for so long as the default continues , but without prejudice to any other rights under this Agreement , to withhold delivery of the Licensed Software from notwithstanding that orders for the Licensed Software have been accepted by .
11 In particular , the option writer 's possible gain is restricted to the price at which he sells the option , the option premium , while his potential exposure to loss is unlimited so long as the contract remains open .
12 The lien of a solicitors ' firm over clients ' papers pending payment of its costs will not be lost by a change in membership so long as the papers have come into the firm 's possession before the change : they can not ( subject always to any specific arrangements with the client to the contrary ) lawfully be retained after such a change in respect of a debt falling due before that event .
13 As this process continues , the scope for further squeezing of the wealth of households through inflation is being reduced , and , so long as the authorities rely on inflation as a method of financing government expenditure , they will be obliged constantly to speed up the rate of inflation in order to achieve the same real effect .
14 Most , however , had earned remission , which is given at a rate of five days per month , so long as the prisoner works to a satisfactory standard .
15 But the County Council still has some longer term debt , not external but internally , that is being paid now and not over time , and so the position actually will not change , so long as the Council continues to have more credit approval than it requires to use the new borrowing .
16 At the other extreme , Prof Patrick Minford believes that most of the UK 's problems are cyclical and will disappear as a spontaneous recovery takes root , filling the Chancellor 's coffers with tax revenues and creating new jobs , so long as the Chancellor has continued to keep inflation under control .
17 ‘ But so long as the system remains as it is , those who choose to disregard their obligations must realise they may face a fine . ’
18 This seems a paradox but it is not : the system is geared to the needs of the operating units but the units are expendable so long as the system remains intact .
19 So long as the documents have been sent to all those entitled to attend a general meeting in accordance with section 238 , it is a pointless farce to require a formal general meeting to be held in order that they may be ‘ laid ’ unless a member wants to raise questions about them at a meeting , or the auditors want to have an opportunity of talking to the members about them .
20 So long as the government runs a huge budget deficit , approaching 9% of GDP this year , inflation threatens to return .
21 Tolerance of strangers may be morally right however threatened one feels , at least so long as the strangers respect the laws and customs of the country they have settled in .
22 Nicholas said , ‘ The company will have the Kouklia franchise so long as the King has a conscience .
23 So long as the request made the settlor 's intention clear , no problem arose .
24 Its drawbacks were obvious , but so long as the tsar sought noble acquiescence in reform it probably represented the only sort of emancipation which had a chance of reaching the statute book .
25 So long as the Crown maintains armed forces for the defence of the realm , it can not be in its interest that any part of them should be immobilised .
26 Yet I am puzzled as to whether that would mean that we should leave our radios on , so long as the music coming from them is beautiful , in order that our rooms be filled with beauty even in our absence .
27 The media which carry your response share your privilege , so long as the publicity given to your condemnation of your attacker is reasonably commensurate with the publicity given to the original attack .
28 So long as the universe had a beginning , we could suppose it had a creator .
29 So long as the possibility remained that nothing would happen they felt no compulsion to educate themselves .
30 Alicia Lockwood had said , " In front of them both , Mr. Crowther , so that they both catch on — I do n't care if it is embarrassing so long as the idea gets into their heads . "
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