Example sentences of "so [adv] as it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The strongest ecological difference is that between those who can accept whaling in principle so long as it is properly regulated and those who do not accept whaling in principle at all .
2 The answer was ‘ Anywhere , so long as it is forward ! ’
3 Using the other person 's name early on in the transaction also helps establish rapport , so long as it is n't inappropriately familiar or done in a routine , ‘ mechanical ’ way .
4 In fact , they use any means they can , so long as it is n't the recently opened door .
5 Meanwhile , the government claims that old currency left in interest-bearing accounts should hold its value , so long as it is not spent .
6 The conduct element is causing ‘ actual bodily harm ’ , which has been given the wide definition of ‘ any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health or comfort of the victim ’ so long as it is not merely transient or trifling' .
7 You can therefore put such a fodder crop onto tripods or a fence when damp , confident that it will dry out , so long as it is not loaded too tight .
8 Whatever ‘ turns you on ’ is okay , so long as it is not connected with modern materialism or the one-God religions , like Christianity , Judaism or Islam .
9 Article 20 of the Brussels Convention provides that where a defendant domiciled in one Contracting State is sued in a court of another Contracting State the court shall stay the proceedings so long as it is not shown that the defendant has been able to receive the document instituting the proceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence , or that all necessary steps have been taken to this end .
10 With regard to " temporality " ( in the sense in which this concept was used above ) , this can not be regarded as a sufficient condition of particularity so long as it is not shown that temporality alone ( in the indicated sense ) ensures numerical identity of particulars ; and if we are to be able to justifiably claim that it is a necessary condition of particularity , we must first show that there can be no extra-temporal particulars . "
11 I have argued before , and shall again , that the farming industry has nothing to fear from such legislation so long as it is fairly enforced .
12 Moreover the fact that so long as it is relatively pure gold does not tarnish means that its lustre remains undimmed .
13 I submit to you that Pacifism is not and never can be a political method so long as it is chiefly concerned with abstaining from the use of force … .
14 It must therefore be recognised that a court which has jurisdiction under article 5(3) over an action in so far as it is based on tort or delict does not have jurisdiction over that action in so far as it is not so based .
15 If , as a result of its inquiries under s47 , it concludes that certain action should be taken to safeguard or promote a child 's welfare it must take that action so far as it is both within its power and reasonably practicable for it to do so ( s47(8) ) .
16 The Marxist position on the alternative to bureaucracy under socialism , in so far as it is ever made explicit , is still largely based on the lessons derived from the Paris Commune and from Trotsky 's critique of Stalinism .
17 Foakes v. Beer appears to be an application of a second , quite different , principle : if A tells B that B need not perform a contractual ( or other ) obligation owed by B to A , A can change his mind and require B to perform that obligation in so far as it is still possible to do so .
18 It may be argued , though I think with difficulty , that there is no important difference between the modern welfare state and the nineteenth-century ‘ night watchman ’ state , in so far as it is still an instrument of bourgeois domination ; or that the welfare state — involving a high level of government intervention in the economy , the provision of extensive social services and a considerable degree of national economic planning — corresponds with a new stage in the development of capitalism , which may be called ‘ organized capitalism ’ ; or finally , that the welfare state is a particular stage in a general trend toward collectivism , inspired mainly by the labour movement , and from this aspect can be regarded as a transitional stage on the way to socialism .
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