Example sentences of "so [adv] as [adj] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Citizens of the United Kingdom do , however , have an individual right of access to the European enforcement agencies whether Her Majesty 's government likes it or not , so long that is , and only so long as that government continues to accede to the Convention and the jurisdiction of the machinery which it establishes .
2 I now wanted desperately to belong to the Christian church in general ( which to me , from my Free Church background , was what baptism implied ) while not able to belong specifically to the Anglican Church ( which was what confirmation implied ) so long as that church discriminated against women .
3 So long as that situation continues , the British meat and livestock industry will be placed at a severe competitive disadvantage .
4 Its distribution in space becomes more and more contorted by the velocity fluctuations , but so long as molecular diffusion plays no role , the marked fluid is always just the same fluid .
5 So long as criminological theory drew from ahistorical empirical data from the United States and Europe it was possible to construct theories relatively consistent with the available evidence .
6 That prospect is anyway slight so long as Soviet-American cosiness continues and Iraq 's war machine remains broken .
7 And yet , so long as this land contains a politically-aware football manager , Mrs T will not be forgotten .
8 Christians must have difficulty in using the bible to speak to contemporary issues so long as this belief persists .
9 So long as parliamentary sovereignty remains " the one fundamental law " of the Constitution , there is no way in which substantive rights can be entrenched and put beyond the reach of Parliament .
10 But so long as English law refuses to recognise that parent companies are under a legal as well as a moral obligation to meet the debts of their subsidiaries the group accounts are largely irrelevant so far as creditors are concerned since they normally have resort only against the individual company with which they have dealt .
11 This probably represents the future , at any rate so long as petroleum-led growth continues to provide opportunities for differentiation .
12 These questions were , to a greater or lesser degree , part and parcel of the armed confrontation , in so far as each side had opposing views on them , but they were merely strands in the overall picture , not the underlying design .
13 In so far as colonial bureaucracy extended its activities beyond law and order and the collection of revenues , they were perceived of as ‘ nation building responsibilities ’ ( Dube 1964 ) .
14 If , on the other hand , B is already the heir of A , then he has received a benefit under A 's estate , and so far as that benefit extends he may be asked to make over property to C. If he does so , however , this is regarded as restitution of property from A 's estate rather than as an institution to B's own estate .
15 Rawls ' theory deviates from comprehensive neutrality in requiring equal ability to pursue ideals of the good only in so far as that ability depends on the principle of equal liberty .
16 In so far as that essay gives some warrant to the idea of free-for-all hermeneutics , then , concedes Norris , ‘ ‘ Structure , Sign and Play' ’ is a text which , at least in its closing paragraphs , falls below the highest standards of Derridean argumentative rigour . ’
17 However , corporatists are sharply critical of the pluralist perspective in so far as that perspective sees the interest-groups system as competitive , " democratic " , equal , and open to all , so that it leads to policy outcomes that give fair shares to everyone .
18 But perhaps the best tag for him is ‘ hippy ’ , in so far as that term has become , for post-punk critic and consumer alike , a cipher for pretension , over-inflation and over-reach .
19 It was tempting to the author to use one part of his own surname — Kease — which , so far as current research reveals , is unique to his family .
20 10.3 The Tenant acknowledges that [ its ] obligations under this agreement and the Lease shall not be affected or lessened in any way by the fact that there may now or subsequently exist any Restrictions and the Tenant shall with effect from the Possession Date comply with and indemnify the Landlord in respect of any liability under any Restrictions ( whether made before or after the Possession Date ) save in so far as such liability arises from failure by the Landlord to comply with [ its ] obligations under clause 2.2.2 It need hardly be said that the tenant 's solicitor should make all usual inquiries to ascertain whether any such restrictions exist at the date of the agreement .
21 The scale of fee should be commensurate with the risk undertaken , except where this could be detrimental to the establishment of a long term recurring client relationship , in so far as such opportunity presents itself when acting for a vendor client .
22 The characteristic network structures of these different types of community are also relevant to the manner in which change may come about , in so far as urban growth tends at first to weaken strong pre-existing rural networks .
23 In so far as this decision approves a requirement made under section 7(4) to provide a specimen of blood simpliciter , without making any reference to the alternative of urine , it has been effectively overruled by later cases and I shall defer further consideration of it until I come to those cases .
24 In so far as this tendency brought with it loss of belief in survival , the Evangelicals may be said to have unintentionally contributed to the process .
25 in so far as this order purports to have any extraterritorial effect , no person shall be affected thereby or concerned with the terms thereof until it shall be declared enforceable or be enforced by a foreign court and then it shall only affect them to the extent of such declaration or enforcement unless they are :
26 Structuralism , he says , is ‘ a certain mode of analysis of cultural artefacts , in so far as this mode originates in the methods of contemporary linguistics ’ ( 1970 : 412 ) .
27 Valuev foresaw this possibility and let it be known that , in so far as preliminary censorship continued to be available , it would be harsh .
28 It was simply a conversation in which the group was significant only in so far as any communication requires two or more people to support it .
29 It was a sign that Ceauşescu intended to go much further than Dej in rehabilitating the Romanian past and distancing the Communist regime from the original Soviet model , at least so far as public presentation went .
30 In so far as bureaucratic power has become a problem for modern democracy , it has been a result of the inadequacies of political control as much as the internal features of bureaucracies themselves .
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