Example sentences of "so [adv] [verb] by [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We know that niello is a metal sulphide , made by heating metal filings with sulphur , but could there be a continuity of tradition amongst the metalworkers of cultures so widely separated by time and geography ?
2 From the previous year he had been so badly affected by osteoarthritis that his mobility had become very restricted .
3 Our bondage to society is not so much established by conquest as by collusion … we are entrapped by our own social nature .
4 Sandy was so much taken by surprise that her sickness was forgotten .
5 In another area , for example in the interior regions of Italy , where land is in short supply and where production patterns are not so severely restricted by climate and latitude , a more diversified farming pattern may be possible .
6 In all honesty , the history of commercial rose-growing is a trail of trumpet-blowing and publicity , so often followed by silence as the subjects ran out of steam and fell by the wayside .
7 ‘ The most blameworthy acts are so often absolved by success that the boundary between what is permitted and what is prohibited , what is just and what is unjust , has nothing fixed about it , but seems susceptible to almost arbitrary change by individuals . ’
8 Her father was in the anteroom , waiting for her with a dour face and uneasy eyes , but so closely attended by page and chamberlain that barely a word beyond her submissive greeting and his mumbled acknowledgement , phrased as a blessing but uttered like a malediction , was able to pass between them .
9 And if national sentiment in the other , France , was initially a response to the threat from England , just as it was in Scotland , there was no doubt of France 's position by the end of the fifteenth century ; the dazzling army and glittering artillery train which Charles VIII led down through the length of Italy in 1494 — for no good reason other than that a young king , with a well-stuffed treasury , would naturally use his wealth to win military renown — symbolized in the most spectacular manner what this kingdom , so recently weakened by war and internal dissension , had now become .
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