Example sentences of "so [adv] [verb] [conj] he [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 As I said earlier , name identification campaigns are routine in the United States but not so common in Europe , although there have been cases where a candidate has been so successfully promoted that he has won , despite his local party 's unpopularity at the time .
2 A shop manager who was beaten up and threatened with having his ears cut off is so badly traumatised that he 's still been unable to describe his ordeal to police .
3 With the illicit amorous adventures of wives in the situation of the eternal triangle ( husband , wife , lover ) being the most common single dramatic type in the fabliaux , the most frequent type as the object of ridicule is the deceived husband , often not merely cuckolded but on occasion beaten or otherwise degraded or abused as well ; and what is more after all this sometimes so utterly deceived that he remains happy in the delusion that his wife has proved herself faithful to him .
4 Granted that the whole of history may have a meaning , a purpose and a direction — and granted , too , the power and fruitfulness of many of Hegel 's ideas — are that purpose and direction so easily uncovered as he suggests ?
5 Sadly I have not read this but I am such a fan of the author and he is so well connected that he gets reviews everywhere , and I just wanted to slip it in .
6 He really scents the difficulty but thinks it too hard for discussion and so conveniently pretends that he has not seen it .
7 Chris is so emotionally paralysed that he has spent two years wooing Ann , who has been working in New York , through the post .
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