Example sentences of "as [art] [noun pl] [unc] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 And the accumulation of capital has been internationalized by the internationalization of production : it has generated flows of direct investment as multinationals expand their enterprises in different countries and it has also indirectly generated flows of portfolio investment as the multinationals ' cash and financing needs have been channelled through the financial markets of the City , New York and Tokyo .
2 Teachers ' pay and conditions are legally fixed by law ( such as the Teachers ' Pay & Conditions Act 1987 ) and set out in successive annual documents .
3 This looked forward to the main role of the Bank as the bankers ' bank and , eventually , to the normal settling of inter-bank debts through it .
4 They were there to help women seeking advice on how best to develop their talents along with organisations such as the Women 's Farm and Garden Association , the National Council for Voluntary Organisations , the Women Returner 's Network and several agricultural colleges .
5 Those MPs who succumbed to the pressures of Party democracy brought their golf clubs with them and spent long days on the sandy links of Southport and elsewhere , returning to their hotels in the evening to take part in an entertainment such as the Agents ' dinner and dance .
6 The Wootton and Widgery proposals came to hand at the right time ; there were pressures from bodies such as the Magistrates ' Association and the Justices ' Clerks ; while the prospect of legislation prompted a clearing out of the pigeon holes of Whitehall .
7 This chapel is also known as the Fishermen 's Chapel and the annual ‘ festa ’ of their Patron Saint , Saint Peter , is held here every year on 29 June .
8 The details must then be updated to provide further information such as the clients ' name and address and the name of a general contact within the organisation .
9 It must then be updated to provide further details such as the clients 's name and address and the name of a general contact within the organisation .
10 He has calmly continued to assert the nursing voice , adroitly altering the popular subservient image of the nurse to one of deep political and personal conscientiousness as the patients ' advocate and closest ally .
11 This is very much what this forum and the Plan of Action series is about : to look at some of the problems we are facing as a women 's movement and to evaluate our practice .
12 Rugby has long prided itself on its image as a players ' game and any ‘ play to entertain ’ push could only accelerate the drift towards professionalism .
13 lf you go to a specialist shop , such as a plumbers ' merchant or central heating specialist , you will be able to find other sizes .
14 This list is not intended to be exhaustive , and certainly does not include areas where your nursing qualification is used indirectly , such as working as a children 's nanny or as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical or product manufacturer .
15 It is also regarded as a men 's club and its members all possess comfortable rooms .
16 By the beginning of 1982 a team had been recruited to develop the BDA as a consumers ' organisation and pressure group with the primary aim of eliminating discrimination against deaf people and of improving their quality of life .
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