Example sentences of "can only [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such a disaster can only arise from the inherent structure and culture of the company .
2 Thus the cost of a path can not increase , it can only stay at the same level or decrease , and the algorithm is admissible .
3 If the lounge reflects the proprietor 's domestic preferences , one can only speculate about the Georgian town house style hotel whose lounge boasts two public telephones with wall mounted perspex hoods , a cigarette machine and , on one occasion , dead arrangements of pinks and carnations on each coffee table .
4 Their estates and assets were seized for the imperial treasury , and one can only speculate on the possible consequences .
5 In the absence of systematic research on these questions one can only speculate on the likely consequences of changes in employment practices .
6 We can only speculate on the functional consequences of these changes at present because differences in the transcriptional properties of CREB homodimers , ATF1 homodimers and CREB/ATF1 heterodimers are far from clear .
7 Such ‘ town plans ’ are eminently satisfying but also dangerously deceptive , because in the absence of excavation , they can only hint at the potential complexity involved .
8 This spirit can only travel in a straight line , so when it slides down the roof in the hope of gaining entry to a house , it will be swept up in the air again by the curving gable .
9 The decomposition of observed unemployment rates into their classical and Keynesian parts can only serve as a first step in the formulation of macroeconomic policy since such an exercise must take place within a broader framework which encompasses concepts such as short- and long-run Phillips curves , the natural unemployment rate , and NAIRU .
10 Like the absence of useful maritime peripheries , however , they can only serve as a secondary reinforcement of pre-existing leanings to political centralism .
11 The Party will always remember that [ deployment of the PPA in civil unrest ] can only result from an extraordinary situation , jeopardizing … the foundations of the socialist system , a situation where all the paths of political action have been exhausted , where an obvious enemy has raised his hand against the achievements of the working people .
12 Sadly , of course , it has n't proved to be the entire answer because the original FOND resource can only cope with the four basic stylistic variations ; Plain , Italic , Bold and Bold Italic .
13 So down at squadron level we had this very much in our minds when in time the orders came down through Group , through station , right to the people who had to do the carting and the bombing , I feel I should explain right at the outset that I can only view at the later stages of the war the state of morale as I saw it in the entire Pathfinder Force .
14 However , ‘ FAST CASH ’ withdrawals and all transactions on machines which are not ABBEYLINK machines can only relate to the Primary Account , and no other account can be selected for these particular transactions .
15 The finance director of one of the companies says he believes that the productivity increases attributable to IT are coming to an end : ‘ Auditors are getting more productive — but it can only go to a certain level . ’
16 You can only go in the future direction in time , but you can go at a bit of an angle to it .
17 The association between leanness and fertility has been extensively explored by Frisch , who has suggested that menstruation and ovulatory cycles can only start above a certain threshold ratio of lean body mass to fat mass .
18 Now Rebecca 's family can only hope for a suitable kidney from an accident victim .
19 In all of this , the Library recognises that it can only advance in the closest possible cooperation and consultation with those organisations , most notably university departments and university libraries , which have already set in place the academic and technological infrastructure to which we hope to make an increasingly useful contribution .
20 True , it is an altruism grounded in selfishness , but that need not bother us ( it can only lead into the usual teenage casuistry about altruism always being ultimately selfish ) .
21 This can only lead to a partial picture where lenders try to succeed within their own parameters , without all the facts on the likely borrower .
22 ‘ Halliwell said that these sexual experiments can only lead to a dead end .
23 The arrangements proposed in Maastricht can only lead to the eventual fusion of the various pillars .
24 Each outer cave or vault can only entered through a small version of the iris-like Vadinamian Valve .
25 As a body corporate , a building society can only act through the human agency of its officers and employees .
26 Like a man in a dream , that must for his life run like a deer , and can only crawl like a broken worm .
27 It can only happen after a disastrous split in the majority party or when no party has a majority .
28 Small bits and pieces straying under the glass , or fingerprints on the glass , can only detract from the finished result , no matter how attractive it is .
29 A line erased and recut seems to have described him originally as tyrant of Gel a , and the political events reflected in this claim and its cancellation can only belong to the seventies .
30 Though what will happen in the next century up to 2025 , as table 5.4 suggests , we can only calculate with a large margin of error .
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