Example sentences of "can not [vb infin] [pos pn] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari has said on many occasions , in his campaign for a free-trade agreement , that if Mexico can not send its products to the United States , it will send its people instead .
2 If we can not tell our love to them , then there will be no vision or angels or heavenly choirs over the hill country beyond the window of these islands this Christmas .
3 We can not explain our hostility to internal compromise by appeal to principles of either fairness or justice as we have defined those virtues .
4 ‘ Of a four-handed cast , ’ wrote Bernard Levin in the Daily Mail , ‘ Mr Michael Crawford , as the brother who can not bear his sister to be touched by the world , makes a great deal out of what I suspect is not very much , conveying well his uncomprehending self-disgust . ’
5 If Labour can not stake its claim to be the future government , it may be by-passed by events and find itself back in the wilderness .
6 BSkyB can not split their transmissions to black out programmes in various parts of Britain , the same way as BBC or ITV .
7 There are no disagreements , and it is normal at this time of year to look ahead , but I can not confirm my commitment to next season .
8 And Allied Signal Corp chairman Lawrence Bossidy has initiated the UK ‘ manufacturing versus services ’ debate in the US , suggesting that for those that believe that IBM Corp should be making more , cheaper rather than shuttering factories all over the place , he might have been the right man for the job : US industry ‘ can not slash its way to prosperity , ’ he told the new Design & Manufacturing Institute of the Stevens Institute of Technology — adding that while design innovation is a US strength , ‘ we need to extend US technological excellence from the design laboratory to the manufacturing floor — American business needs to find ways to improve the speed with which we convert innovative design into high-quality , marketable product ; many of our factory floors are populated by high-school graduates or dropouts , with a few engineers serving as supervisors safely ensconced behind glass walls , ’ Bossidy said , where Japanese shop floors are staffed much more by graduate engineers who work directly with well-trained workers , to solve problems and improve manufacturing efficiency .
9 ‘ … the purchaser can not avoid his liability to the auctioneer by paying the vendor direct without telling the auctioneer .
10 He seems to have had a good acquaintance with the theory and practice of shoeing , though we can not admit his claim to originality .
11 We can not shut our eyes to the fact that there are groups , very small numerically but extremely cohesive and tenacious , who have infiltrated the unions with the intention of seizing power if they can .
12 We can not close our eyes to the fact that if the arguments advanced on behalf of the appellant in relation to this ground of appeal are soundly based , then there is , not a small lacuna , but a yawning gap in the protection for the public afforded by section 16 of the Act of 1968 through which a large number of dishonest persons can — by arranging matters so that they come within the definition of ‘ self-employed ’ — escape conviction and punishment for the kind of deceitful conduct of which the jury , by their verdicts in the instant case , found this appellant to be guilty .
13 Unlike his predecessor , he has told Mrs Rees she can not allow her toys to be sold .
14 Then when I die , I can not enter her body to be born again .
15 In those circumstances it must follow , for the reasons already given , that the appellant can not establish his defence to the present claim .
16 Christianity can not lose its reference to that history .
17 If you can not see your way to doing this , I regret that I shall have to suggest to the Parish Council that they consider moving this account to another bank .
18 The boy who puts unwanted chocolates , sweets , nuts and raisins and chewing gum into the trolley at the checkout can not put his hands to mischief if he is at the other end of the checkout using them to put his mother 's groceries in the box ( see page 111 ) .
19 If we can not envisage a way of ending the fighting in Ulster , we can not apply our solutions to other countries ’ he said .
20 I therefore can not submit his application to the House today .
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