Example sentences of "can not [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Britain can not match the French achievement and in some subjects the number of people undergoing vocational training has declined .
2 Petrol engines also now need fuel injection , as well as electronic engine management systems and expensive catalytic converters to meet exhaust regulations , and even then they can not match the lean-burn diesel for most emissions .
3 Expert systems can not perform the full range of reasoning strategies handled by the human brain and therefore do not replace human experts rather they are complementary to human expertise .
4 In 58 ‘ your slave ’ , ‘ your vassal ’ is ready to swallow any insult or neglect , the poem concluding : The second-person pronouns come so thick and fast here that we can not miss the bitter criticism of the Friend setting himself up as a law unto himself , becoming so entirely obsessed with his own pleasures that he betrays their relationship .
5 Selecting a value for γ 1 can not achieve the same result because such a policy leaves the distinction between an aggregate and a relative demand shock no less important than before : a positive relative demand shock will raise current prices above expected future ones ; a positive aggregate demand shock will not .
6 It follows that LTP can not achieve the maximum strength of which a synapse is capable : the potential for a further short-term increase is always held in reserve .
7 I can not applaud the rosy vision of a senior colleague whose spirited defence of grading ( and rejection of profiles ) climaxed as follows :
8 I can not tell the hon. Gentleman now what my attitude will be at the end of a meeting that is due to take place on Wednesday because the whole purpose of that meeting is for negotiations to take place .
9 But even Close can not answer the crucial question .
10 Efforts will continue to be made to set free Brightness as well as all the other whales and dolphins condemned to a life in which they can not experience the mental stimulation that only the challenges and joys of life in the open ocean can provide .
11 Perhaps it is because , though we can consciously trace the outline of the fear , it 68 CREATIVE WRITING reaches so far into the hidden recesses of our minds that we can not control the involuntary response .
12 While we must support family rooms in those pubs which have the space and can provide suitable amusement for the little angels , this can not remain the only answer to the problem .
13 Yet this can not disguise the shifting assessment of US interests which has already seen Bonn replace London as the crucial European relationship .
14 A difference in word form signals a difference in meaning , so two different forms can not carry the selfsame meaning .
15 That contextual modulation of the general sense of dog can not explain the specific interpretation in 22 is shown by the lack of a parallel specific interpretation of canine ( in its jocular use as a noun ) when it is substituted for dog :
16 Thus , we would suggest that these second types of explanation for the differences in the rate of crime between men and women — that female crime exists to a much greater extent than is indicated by the statistics but is just less often recorded — can not explain the enormous sex differences in recorded rates of crime .
17 But plate tectonics they say , can not explain the immense diversity of land formation and exotic arrangement of rock in western North America .
18 The need to recognize species , however , can not explain the bizarre development of sexual characters .
19 But the myriad electronic images and printed words that pour in daily from the Balkan war zone can not convey the whole truth about what is going on there .
20 We can not entertain the simplistic notion of reading as a process which proceeds by decoding the message , in real time , from one level to another .
21 With regard to the change to be made in the style of the elevations , I can not entertain the smallest doubt that an architect of your known talent and ability will find it an easy task to design an elevation in the Italian or Classic style …
22 One can not ignore the persistent nature of our unemployment figures and little imagination is needed to visualise the hopelessness of the unemployed .
23 Those responsible for post-school education can not ignore the changing context in which their work takes place .
24 If the grant can not meet the whole bill some funeral directors may accept weekly payments .
25 Motability is a registered charity and if a person can not meet the full cost of putting a car on the road , including any adaptations , Motability may be able to provide some financial help from special funds .
26 If you can not meet the full cost you will still be able to move into a residential or nursing home because we can help .
27 That means he can not meet the next payment on his van and could lose his whole business .
28 At present we can not quantify the relative strength of the preference ; the solution to this question requires more detailed study of natural pair formation .
29 We can not make the causal claim about cc and allow that other circumstances identical with cc have different upshots .
30 It is unlikely , though , that we can handle all these if we can not make the first distinction systematically ( and the alert reader can no doubt find mistakes of this sort within this book ) .
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