Example sentences of "can not [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The problem here is that , since one needs to be in place long before sunrise , in order to prepare for the shot , one can not walk directly to the site .
2 The problem here is that , since one needs to be in place long before sunrise , in order to prepare for the shot , one can not walk directly to the site .
3 Secondly , in dry summers the L3 are retained within the crusted faecal pat and can not migrate on to the pasture until sufficient rainfall occurs to moisten the pat .
4 I have my doubts that Batty will ever be world class , that aside I can not understand why Wilko can not sit down with the side he 's got and bang something out to keep both Strachan and Rocastle in the side .
5 In other words , without it one can not explain why at the present time there is a maldistribution of world wealth and income such that the countries of the Northern hemisphere contain only 25 per cent of the world 's population but obtain 80 per cent of the world 's income , while the countries of the South contain 75 per cent of the world 's population but obtain only 20 per cent of the world 's income .
6 If it is correct , in general , that a public nuisance can not arise out of the lawful use of a highway , as Mr. Ashworth submitted , it is not , in my judgment , because there is no unlawful act .
7 No doubt if I can not break out of the convention of thinking as though I were a detached Ego contemplating unmoved both the possible consequences and my fear of them , it will seem that I can have no reason to stop smoking unless I recognize some further imperative such as ‘ Take care of your health ’ .
8 ‘ If man can not create anything or move anybody , if he can not break out of the prison of his total narcissism and isolation , he can escape the unbearable sense of vital impotence and nothingness only by affirming himself in the act of destruction of the life that he is unable to create .
9 He regarded perpetual change as the fundamental law governing all things — a view which is summarized in his famous aphorism , ‘ You can not step twice into the same river ’ .
10 Bear in mind that any speed limit is a maximum , it does not mean that it is safe to drive at that speed , always take into account all the conditions at the time , never drive so fast that you can not stop well within the distance you can see to be clear .
11 Fairlie emphasizes that the House has no corporate feeling , it can not stand apart from the government , and the parliamentary reformers ' idea that the House can recover some of its former powers is both impracticable and , in his judgement , undesirable .
12 ‘ Ordinary Catholics on the Falls Road can not stand up to the IRA .
13 The duty of the court is to enforce the Acts and in so doing to observe one principle which is inherent in the Acts and has been long recognised , the principle that parties can not contract out of the Acts …
14 One premise of the deduction is his hypothesis , which made quite explicit reads , ‘ Bats are able to fly avoiding obstacles by using their eyes , and can not do so without the use of their eyes ’ .
15 If you still can not reach up to the extreme end and determine that the burrow is now empty you must reintroduce your line ferret once more to do the job for you .
16 ‘ It 's a case at the moment that I can not go ahead with the case because I can not afford £700 , ’ said Barbara .
17 The right hon. Member for Chingford said that he can not go along with the negotiations at Maastricht because he wants to protect Britain from ’ rabid dogs and dictators ’ — some might say from himself .
18 The main thing about a hallway , however , is that you can not go anywhere in the house without passing through it .
19 ‘ T is so no more ’ , that is , he can no longer consider himself the same person — he has become , at last , a human being ( line 36 ) , not a dreaming poet , and he can not go back to the earlier state .
20 Laser light can not interact directly with the atomic nucleus , but experiments with lasers are revealing details of nuclear size and shape and could help to solve key problems in nuclear physics
21 Next came the football style skegs , which , with a hooked leading edge , apparently stop the air bubbles since at speed air can not flow forwards along the front facing section .
22 I will go one step further and say that without the correct position at the top of the backswing , other parts of the swing can not function correctly during the forward swing .
23 I can not find out of the evidence any facts which support the view or which justify the inference .
24 It is sufficient for the spider to follow a series of ( probably innate ) rules ; for example , ‘ if you can not proceed directly towards the prey , go to a junction and try again' .
25 The first is anyone who is in any way mentally deficient , as such people can not cooperate sufficiently with the therapist to achieve the desired result .
26 The plaintiff can not shop around for the best offer , the two parties must deal with each other and strike an acceptable bargain through their own negotiating skill .
27 We are sympathetic but we also can not ride roughshod over the concerns of the local community .
28 So we are sympathetic towards this er provision of student accommodation , but we also can not ride roughshod over the concerns of the local community .
29 There are two disadvantages to this approach ; first , it is enormously time consuming and second , the polygon topology of the input coverage is not preserved , so one can not work back to the initial coverage attributes .
30 Your main safeguard is to ensure that the remaining rabbits can not escape back into the burrow system .
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