Example sentences of "can only be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The property in British ships can only be transferred by means of a bill of sale which is registered in the shipping register .
2 In the assessment of cleanliness this can only be done by inspection to be carried out after cleaning has been completed .
3 ‘ We have helped to create a new training culture in this country but that can only be done by businesses focusing on that in partnership with the government . ’
4 This can only be done by heat or work .
5 The user can not enter a module with such a record as the latest version ; this can only be done by LIFESPAN .
6 The walls and floor do not move and so count as prone , but the Daemon-room can only be damaged by spells and magical weapons .
7 Modules produced by Frank , if protected by password , can only be accessed by Frank himself and the LIFESPAN manager ( who is always at the top of all user hierarchies ) .
8 For practical purposes , this can only be conducted by representatives of the employers and of the employees .
9 The conclusion to be derived from the above is that the overdevelopment of the bureaucracy in the post-colonial state can only be explained by reference to factors which render other political institutions impotent .
10 If there are no goods in the shops ; or if food can only be obtained by rationing ; or if the state siphons off the lion 's share of increased earnings as taxation ; or if an economy seems incapable of growing , then people begin to question the fundamentals on which such a system is built .
11 Unfortunately , experience is the best guide to fabric interpretation , and this can only be obtained by study of many different sediment types .
12 Conclusive evidence for the occurrence of arrested larval development can only be obtained by examination of the worm population in the host .
13 Access to special procedure material can only be obtained by virtue of a warrant issued by a circuit judge who can issue such a warrant either where , prior to the Act , there would have been access to such material and the first set of access conditions apply or where the judge has reasonable grounds to believe ( i ) a serious arrestable offence has been committed .
14 They can only be overcome by action on an international scale , rather than by castigating one or two countries .
15 What they are trying to buy are assets which can best be developed by Palatine itself , including some which can only be developed by Palatine as an independent brewery .
16 This decision turned , of course , on the provisions of the particular statute but , in the course of giving judgment , Tindal C.J. said , at p. 505 : ‘ A plea of auterfoits convict or auterfoits acquit can only be supported by proof of a judgment . ’
17 Surely , one could argue , it can only be recognized by knowledge of some convention that U means z ; but in that case we can do away with talk of complex intentions and construct an account of communication based directly on the notion of conventional signal .
18 Whether a particular exercise of discretion is within the scope intended by the legislation can only be determined by consideration of purpose and relevancy , and this interpretive process is masked by usage of the omnibus phrase illegality .
19 But the consequences in law of the agreement , once concluded , can only be determined by consideration of the effect of the agreement .
20 The ARC/INFO programmer 's guide ( Aronson 1985 ) give some clues as to what to expect , but the actual file structure can only be determined by inspection .
21 The correct pitch for any model can only be determined by experiment , which is why experienced contest flyers prefer to have too much negative and ‘ fly the pitch ’ on the way down .
22 But suppose now we require that adequate grammatical descriptions include specifications of the meaning of every word in a language , and such a requirement has normally been assumed , then we find words whose meaning-specifications can only be given by reference to contexts of usage .
23 Among the duties … which require to be revived , thrift and prudence are pre-eminent ; and thrift and prudence can only be taught by men who will associate with the people and thus induce them to face the elementary laws of economy .
24 Or : ‘ Manliness can only be taught by men , and not by those who are half men , half old women . ’
25 ‘ But whether , in the ordinary case to which section 5 of the Theft Act 1968 does not apply , goods are to be regarded as belonging to another is a question to which the criminal law offers no answer and which can only be answered by reference to civil law principles .
26 The pedagogic relevance of research outside the classroom can only be realized by research inside the classroom .
27 On the contrary , it must be clear , a priori that in an antagonistic society , a society based on productive and social anarchy , there can not be an uninterrupted development of the forces , for in such a society the laws of equilibrium are and can only be realized by means of continual or recurrent disruptions of the equilibrium .
28 In our response to the English language , both as readers and writers , we depend on an intimate feeling for words and rhythms and innuendoes and images and ironies which can only be achieved by exposure to great English literature .
29 Often the individual has done such a good job of ‘ forgetting ’ that this recall can only be achieved by means of regression .
30 It i.s therefore important to have a sufficient range of variation in these independent variables ' , and this can only be achieved by means of cross-national study .
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