Example sentences of "can only [be] [verb] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This diligence can only be exercised once the curt papers have been served on the debtor .
2 The power of entry and search section 17(1) ( d ) of PACE can only be exercised if the police are in pursuit of the patient .
3 Such freedom can only be exercised if the manager has the full authority to make decisions , without the need to ask a boss for approval , and without the chance that a boss might step in and alter or reverse the subordinate 's decisions .
4 It can only be activated when a false statement actually damages a reputation .
5 She considers marriage to be a gamble for any woman , a gamble which can only be justified where the woman examines the character and prospects of the man she is to marry .
6 The Product can only be registered if a known Product package and Package version have been entered using option 5.1.2 — Update Product .
7 Since a complete understanding of developmental mechanisms can only be obtained if the sequence and timing of events is known , methods for obtaining synchronized embryos and their constituent blastomeres have to be developed .
8 One problem with the above test of a set of restrictions is that , strictly , it can only be applied when the model is linear and the restrictions themselves are linear .
9 Oppression can only be overcome when the producers themselves manage production , when workers and peasants exercise self-management .
10 You 're soon drive round the bend by slippery blocks that wo n't let you stand still on them , electrical blocks that can only be crossed when the current 's off , blocks that crumble when you stand on ‘ em , others with gaping holes which you must fix by flicking a switch before you can cross …
11 Sometimes they may spread to involve the terminal urethra , and can only be seen if the urethral meatus is parted .
12 The optimum size of hash table can only be determined if the approximate number of items to be stored is known .
13 The precise cost of a project can only be determined when the final account ( including any claims ) is settled .
14 An accurate cross-reference can only be written when the exact co-ordinates of the entry cross-referred to are known .
15 Good practice in the classroom can only be achieved where the teacher has evolved a clear framework wherein pupils can become secure , confident and interested .
16 It might sound like an impossible recipe , but this can only be achieved when the government is prepared to sit down and talk constructively and openly with all parties .
17 Real prosperity can only be achieved if every South African is free , not only to cast an equal vote , but to participate in wealth creation .
18 This can only be achieved if the specified user is the manager of the package and if the DC raised to update the package does not need to be assessed by any other users .
19 This can only be achieved if the current manager is the specified user or a descendant of the specified user .
20 In these schemes , a widow 's or widower 's pension can only be achieved if the member gives up part of their own retirement pension .
21 Section 25 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 creates a significant exception to the Siskina rule that a Mareva injunction can only be granted when the plaintiff has a cause of action justiciable in England .
22 Before leaving randomizing algorithms , it should be made clear that the treatment of them here is based on the assumption that the file size , once created , can only be altered when the file is reorganized .
23 Even here , unless the purchaser was expressly authorised to contract for the principal , such a contract can only be ratified if the purchaser , at the time of making the contract , professed to contract on the principal 's behalf .
24 Realistic assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of a claim can only be made once the relevant evidence has been ingathered .
25 Now , the stability of a social formation can only be maintained if no class with any means of imposing its interest is pushed to the point of revolt .
26 Equilibrium against collapse can only be maintained if the number of electrons ( and hence nucleons ) is less than .
27 In other words , each state in the production process can only be begun once the previous stage has been completed .
28 Today , rambutans ( Nephelium lappaceum , Sapindaceae ) are distributed this way , growing up around deserted encampments of forest people in the Malay Peninsula , and several other fruits gathered there can only be swallowed as the flesh is either difficult to remove or the seeds are too fiddly to extract ( as in blackberries , blackcurrants and tomatoes in modern society sewage farms raise good tomato plants ) : for example the mata-kuching ( Dimocarpus longan ) and the rambai ( Baccaurea motleyana , Euphorbiaceae ) .
29 Work can only be undertaken if an FSA engagement letter ( usually a CFEL ) is in place .
30 Work can only be undertaken if an FSA engagement letter ( usually a CFEL letter ) is in place .
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