Example sentences of "can not [be] [vb pp] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The major question , which can not be answered until treatment has been attempted , is whether success would only result in preserving what function remains or whether the epithelial cells could reconstitute and resore function to damaged areas of the lung and gut .
2 The problem is that the second question can not be answered until Washington comes up with a consensus on the first .
3 For in those matters which are beyond the reach of absolute knowledge , it is within the province of man 's own responsibility to decide what , for the time being , can be or can not be accepted as truth , and , as there can be a Created God , so can that God be the product of created truth .
4 Mr Corker said : ‘ Staff from the ministries can not be called as references but we do have letters of recommendation from them and the Department of the Environment has these in our appeal .
5 Positive Richardson number corresponds to a stabilizing density gradient ; turbulent motion can not be sustained when Ri becomes large .
6 ‘ It can not be over-emphasised that statistics , if these are to have any meaning , should be gathered by those who know the churches well and who are concerned that the statistics reveal the truth .
7 Whether or not we accept their view , it can not be denied that groups are always an important part of any developed political system .
8 Although many questions in parliament about aircraft accidents are put in a genuine spirit of inquiry , it can not be denied that others are merely tabled in an attempt to embarrass the minister or government of the day .
9 It can not be denied that air pollution needs to be addressed but we should n't be fooled into paying more of our hard-earned cash which will be used to pay for Mr Lamont 's bungles .
10 It can not be denied that rock has always been the province of men , even if they have often aped the female .
11 It can not be denied that Court–Country tensions did exist ; the question to consider is the extent to which they cut across party , and served to undermine the pattern of political allegiances mapped out above .
12 It can not be assumed that women over 65 would have had an adequate screening history and therefore can be forgotten , or that there is no point in regular follow-up of older patients .
13 It is rather that the whole point of a national curriculum will be lost if it can not be assumed that children at 11 will be ready for whatever is the generally agreed content of the first year at secondary school .
14 It can not be assumed that symptoms are caused by disturbed gastric emptying .
15 It simply can not be assumed that samples selected for their distinctiveness on one variable will vary randomly on others .
16 Tickets can not be exchanged nor money refunded .
17 Tickets can not be exchanged or money refunded .
19 Deviants can not be viewed as billiard balls inescapably moved by the social forces that surround them .
20 The complexity increases as the square of the number of components so that simple analysis techniques can not be employed and catastrophe theory and perturbation analysis are examples of appropriate analysis procedures .
21 Various strategies are developed to handle potential conflicts that can not be overcome because people keep meeting each other .
22 An object can not be seen unless light reflected from it passes through the eye on to the retina and the brain receives the impulses transmitted from the retina via the optic nerve .
23 This position is undermined by the fact that the sharp distinction between observation and theory can not be maintained because observation , or rather the statements resulting from observation , are permeated by theory .
24 Office can not be inherited and members of the apparatus do not constitute a closed group .
25 Stated baldly , and cheerfully ignoring the Secretary of State s admonition not to impute guilt to either Meehan or Waddell , his conclusions were that while Waddell and McGuinness probably carried out what he called the initial assault , ‘ it can not be disproved that Meehan and Griffiths were not a follow-up team with the role of dealing with the safe or safes believed to be in the bungalow ’ .
26 Which one it puts forward can not be decided until Government gives further clues about what it would like : ‘ Once this has happened , the board will move rapidly to implement its preferred option , recognising as we do that the timetable set for us by Government is relatively tight . ’
27 No agreement can thus be reached about the use of that space and its correct functioning ; the interfacing geometry can not be finalized and changes may need to be made in order to remove violation once construction has taken place within the black box .
28 But yesterday a statement issued by Mr Sadler revealed the council 's continued hard line over Sunday opening — which can not be altered until councillors discuss the matter on June 16 .
29 The importance of effective parenthood can not be overemphasised if civilisation is to progress .
30 However subjective the ‘ standard of living adequate for health and wellbeing ’ , it obviously can not be achieved if population is outstripping subsistence .
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