Example sentences of "can be seen [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All of these specific special needs can be seen on a continuum ranging from mild to severe , or from temporary and transient to long-standing or permanent .
2 One previous winner , 14 year-old Alistair Cherry , who was awarded the Fender/Buddy Holly scholarship last year , can be seen on a BBC 2 documentary ‘ The Lowdown ’ , which will be transmitted on August 3 .
3 Most of these mountains can be seen on a walk to the watershed of Glen Nevis , but foreshortening robs them of distinctive summits .
4 After the war , hardly a man can be seen with a head covering .
5 The problem can be seen with a definition given by Phyllis Mary Ashraf :
6 The unusual nature of this process can be seen through a comparison of these academic practices with those conventionally associated with the most common uses of reading and writing in this culture , such as reading adverts , notices in factories , magazines , popular newspapers etc. , and the writing of lists for shopping , writing letters and filling in forms .
7 Having said that , this place has been made ‘ valid through prayer ’ and can be seen as a sacrament of God 's coming to us through the demands of human life .
8 The Bradshaw grouping can be seen as a variant rather than an alternative ordering of the fragments .
9 If Stein 's action can be seen as a rearrangement of Cristofori 's action , then the Viennese action , formally speaking , can be seen as a transformation of the English .
10 The German escapement action Stein employed in all the pianos that he made after the piano in the vis-á-vis instrument can be seen as a transformation of the Cristofori-Silbermann piano action .
11 At the same time , by not forcing the text to fit the categories of the model , the text can be seen as a transformation of it , or at least of a part of it .
12 The work of the Frankfurt School as a whole can be seen as a critique of ideology .
13 Most notable is the observation that the reliance on subjects to express the actual curriculum can be seen as a rationalisation of its present form .
14 Despite Gregory 's account , the Merovingians can be seen as a dynasty which cultivated a complex political ideology during the sixth century .
15 After approximately 8 miles you will enter the village of Byfield , and Banbury Lane can be seen as a turning on your left hand side and Archway House , again , can be found on the left hand side , easily identifiable by our ins ‘ for sale ’ board .
16 Herodotus ' History can be seen as a sermon on the text that Spartans and Persians , even in their great period of conflict , gradually came to value each other 's qualities:2 at first ( Hdt. i.153 ) Cyrus the Great scoffs at the Greeks who come together in a market-place to cheat each other ; by the end , the exiled Spartan king Demaratos is shown ( vii.104 ) lecturing a clearly impressed Xerxes on the subject of Spartan deference to law .
17 Taken as a whole , the 1950s can be seen as a decade in which everyone had to work very hard just to keep the District on an even keel : it reflects great credit on all concerned that , in statistical terms , the decline of the early fifties was halted so that ultimately an expansionist phase could begin .
18 Their work can be seen as a range of attempts to deal with a shared set of problems which have perhaps been most clearly formulated by the greatest among them — by Bloch and Febvre ( the founders of the journal ) in the first generation , by Braudel in the second , and more recently by Le Roy Ladurie .
19 Pragmatic or contextual knowledge can be seen as a type of meta-knowledge , having effects throughout the other levels .
20 Thus an institution can be seen as a structure made up of interconnected roles or interrelated norms .
21 This thought casts the world in a profoundly different light from common sense in its materialistic moment ; and much of metaphysics can be seen as a response to it .
22 The orientation here was more " collectivist " and it can be seen as a response to socialist challenges to policies based on political economy and philanthropy .
23 The behaviour of members of society can be seen as a response to the functional prerequisites of the social system .
24 While integration in Europe can be seen as a response to this process , globalization does not necessarily promote co-operation .
25 Bingeing can be seen as a way of ‘ stuffing away ’ feelings and then getting rid of them by vomiting .
26 These dichotomies can be seen as a way of legitimizing both male superiority and the abuse of science .
27 Secondary encopresis Children 's bowel control may have relapsed in response to a stressful event like the birth of a baby , a traumatic separation or loss , and this can be seen as a regression to an earlier level of emotional development .
28 In its latter aspect the theory can be seen as a formalization , in associative terms , of the very reasonable suggestion that a stimulus is likely to receive a full measure of processing only when its occurrence is unexpected ( i.e. not predictable on the basis of other , usually contextual , cues ) .
29 There were other ways in which the years 1938–43 can be seen as a continuum in which reforming hopes of the interwar years no longer had to be deferred .
30 Killing people simply in order to satisfy hunger is hardly one of humanity s more endearing habits ( and anyway seems always to have been rare ) , but the consumption of dead heroes can be seen as a mark of respect , in that the eaters may hope to inherit some of the admired qualities of the deceased .
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