Example sentences of "can be [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The preponderance of sole practitioner respondents to the consultation as a whole can be seen once again to have had a dramatic effect on the outcome of this particular question , with over three-quarters of the 55% who answered negatively being sole practitioners .
2 It is to be hoped that data-base technology can be developed quickly enough to meet the imminent requirements for data management in very large hyper-bases .
3 Added to this the partner of the black hole must have swollen to the giant stage in order that material can be transferred rapidly enough to give an accretion disc that produces detectable numbers of X-rays .
4 This small , wall-powered unit can be installed almost anywhere to allow one Ethernet connection to become eight .
5 This small , wallpowered unit can be installed almost anywhere to allow one Ethernet connection to become two .
6 This small , wallpowered unit can be installed almost anywhere to allow one Ethernet connection to become four .
7 Co-operative R&D ventures are more flexible than full integration and can be realigned more easily to meet changing circumstances .
8 The informal interview can not generally be used to test hypotheses very accurately , but it can be used most fruitfully to clarify them and to elaborate them .
9 Old age abuse is a term that can be used more properly to refer to situations where it happens that the elderly person is abusing the carer ( Case Study 4.2 ) .
10 Not so at the short story length , where humour can be used more gainfully to put over the perhaps dull facts needed to lay out a situation leading to an ingenious switch-over ending .
11 Mr Arrastía 's inspiration for FARCO grew our of his dissatisfaction with Argentina 's national networks and his increasing conviction that radio can be used very effectively to unite and strengthen marginalised communities .
12 Likewise , the analytical techniques and human skills needed both to build and to apply risk management scorecards can be adapted quite easily to build marketing scorecards , ie models which measure the likelihood of each customer , at any time , being in need of any credit facility .
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