Example sentences of "can be [verb] [prep] by the " in BNC.

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1 This crucial element in Morgan 's evidence is an illusion and there is not the slightest shred of evidence that those societies where large numbers of people can be referred to by the terms for parent are societies where marriage is either more or less individualistic .
2 This , as we have seen , explains the impossibility of the infinitive in * To snow would be pleasant as against its possible use in I want it to snow : if the generalized person of the infinitive of weather verbs is not specified as referring to the only support with which the notion denoted by these verbs is conceivable , namely it , then one feels a possible reference to any of the ordinal persons which can be referred to by the infinitive 's generalized person ( " you " , " me " , etc. ) , and so the sentence does not make sense .
3 The promise is one which , by law , must be in writing ; and the fourth plea shows that no consideration or request , dehors the letter , existed , and , therefore , that no such consideration , or request , can be alluded to by the letter .
4 If the complainant is still determined to become a plaintiff , the fact that a prompt apology has been made can be relied upon by the defendant to lower the amount of damages .
5 There will still be required annual registration but this will be more of a check upon the existing state of the rolling register and will supply extra information that can be acted upon by the electoral returning officer .
6 Very small amounts can be dealt with by the body causing no long term harm .
7 The issue can be dealt with by the Chancery master .
8 It may be that , with the passage of years , the position would change , but that can be dealt with by the Secretary of State 's order-making power in clause 3 to amend the provisions contained in schedule 1 .
9 This can be allowed for by the winch or car driver reducing the power slightly .
10 It is symbolic of the attitude that injecting insulin need not be frightening or difficult and can be coped with by the patient from the very beginning , with just a little guidance .
11 And the same change throughout the industry can be accounted for by the functional fact that only those firms which made this change would have survived the competition .
12 Much of what has been considered to be poststructuralism 's wild disregard for history can be accounted for by the fact that it was operating within this — largely unknown outside France — anti-empiricist and anti-positivist tradition .
13 The radical simplification of forms which characterizes the painting can be accounted for by the fact that this was one of the first canvases in which Braque attempted to work from memory .
14 Most adenocarcinomas of the oesophagus , however , arise in CLO that is already established and the disparity between incidence and prevalence can be accounted for by the high proportion of the population with unrecognised disease , up to 20 times that of those detected .
15 If what has been hypothesised so far is true , much of the variation in linguistic interactions which is not explicable in terms of grammatical or phonological conditioning can be accounted for by changes of footing , involving a switch from one ( linguistic ) persona to another ; some can be accounted for by the speaker 's failure to identify perfectly the speech patterns of the prototypes of the personas which s/he seeks to animate at a particular time ; and some can be accounted for by the speaker 's imperfect ability to reproduce those speech patterns which s/he has identified .
16 If what has been hypothesised so far is true , much of the variation in linguistic interactions which is not explicable in terms of grammatical or phonological conditioning can be accounted for by changes of footing , involving a switch from one ( linguistic ) persona to another ; some can be accounted for by the speaker 's failure to identify perfectly the speech patterns of the prototypes of the personas which s/he seeks to animate at a particular time ; and some can be accounted for by the speaker 's imperfect ability to reproduce those speech patterns which s/he has identified .
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