Example sentences of "as if [pers pn] were [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We ran the race as if we were competing in a 100 metres , charging full tilt at the bends .
2 The method of composition helps to explain the feel of the blank verse ; it should be read aloud , in a quiet meditative manner , as if we were listening to a man trying hard to clarify his own thoughts about a difficult topic and at the same lime explaining it to somebody else .
3 It seemed as if we were flying in the 1930s .
4 ‘ Afterwards we sat down and talked about it and it was as if we were talking about someone else .
5 There was a tension in the air , as if they were sailing within a millimetre-thin glass bowl that was about to shatter .
6 The Spirit is his parting gift to the Church to make his presence as real to them as if they were listening to him teaching beside the Sea of Galilee : and the Spirit can do more for us than ever Jesus could have done had we been his contemporaries .
7 Wonderful Members of Parliament , who , little more than twenty years before , had made themselves merry with the wild railroad theories of engineers , and given them the liveliest rubs in cross-examination , went down into the north with their watches in their hands , and sent on messages before by the electric telegraph , to say that they were coming Night and day the conquering engines rumbled at their distant work , or advancing smoothly to their journey 's end , and gliding like tame dragons into the allotted corners grooved out to the inch for their reception , stood bubbling and trembling there , making the walls quake , as if they were dilating with the secret knowledge of great powers yet unsuspected in them , and strong purposes not yet achieved .
8 The two girls looked at each other , as if they were searching for the similarities .
9 The suggestion is often made that a couple should not be treated as if they were living as husband and wife unless the man is actually giving the woman financial support .
10 Alpha appears when they are performing the most demanding tasks , and disappears altogether when less is demanded of them and their eyes are closed — almost as if they were drifting into a light sleep .
11 Men still do this — they talk of men 's struggles , movements and characteristics as if they were writing about the whole class .
12 It was as if they were clinging to each other , and they could n't let go .
13 It 's not as if they were going to be chucked out .
14 Machine code instructions are assembled as if they were going to be placed in memory at the addresses specified by the program counter , P% .
15 Almost as if they were going to be posted .
16 A couple of lads who looked as if they were moonlighting from a Youth Training Scheme were trying to reglaze the window from the inside , underneath the plastic so their haircuts did n't get damp .
17 She beat at her face , her bosom , her stomach , her hips , with hands which looked as if they were dripping with damson jam .
18 It was n't as if they were heading for the hills .
19 After the cool period , treat the bulbs exactly as if they were growing in compost .
20 One drawback of the Masters for married men , who want to see the last putt in , is that it requires them to creep to bed as if they were returning from a night club .
21 IXI describes the software as a virtual workspace — the product enables users to operate and work in a windowing environment that extends well beyond the physical space constraint of their monitor , as if they were sitting at a huge screen .
22 It looked as if they were waiting for somebody , could it be me ?
23 Indeed , one critic of the exercise considered that ‘ the circular was a device which managed to make LEAs look as if they were failing in their duties , and thus allowed the DES to take the initiative ’ .
24 So they stood and their hands clasped at the baggage rack above their heads , and Millet saw the eyes of a fellow traveller flit to the girl 's features as if they were staring at those magazines on the high shelf behind the newsagent 's counter .
25 Squeezed like despondent sardines , they looked as if they were huddling for warmth .
26 Fand looked stranger than ever , her face fixed and old as if she were withering in this icy fire .
27 She looked as if she were drowning in a goldfish tank .
28 Claudia felt as if she were drowning in a pool of conflicting emotions ; the last thing she wanted was to go anywhere with Roman and yet the thought of being with him for a little while longer filled her with delight .
29 She was anxious not to make a noise , but even though her feet fell softly into the leaves strewing the path the wood was so still and silent that she really felt as if she were thudding through the wood .
30 Folly felt as if she were struggling against a tide .
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