Example sentences of "can [not/n't] [be] [verb] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But in recent years the knowledge of the role of electricity in the treatment of disease has developed considerably , and there are no technical reasons why the findings and the techniques outlined can not be implemented and developed immediately by any competent specialist .
2 Note that some types of motorised valve can not be serviced and have to be replaced ( a job that will entail draining down the entire system ) , but on many newer models it is possible to replace the valve motor and free the valve spindle if it is jammed , without having to interfere with the plumbing .
3 If you can not be contacted or do not make acceptable repayment proposals within a reasonable time , we may commence or continue procedures to enforce repayment .
4 Corrigan points out that the delinquency of these boys can not be explained or understood outside the context of their leisure activities ( or lack of them ) .
5 Some of these aspects may well combine in complex and inexplicable ways in the learning process and clearly the teacher can not take the chance of depriving learners of effective learning conditions on the grounds that they can not be explained or controlled .
6 The changed nature of business — the shift to corporate organization and the break between the location and ownership of industry — means that old , more or less direct methods of incorporation on the Victorian model can not be sustained or renewed .
7 This liability , under Part I of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , can not be limited or excluded at all — see paragraphs 9–6 to 9–14 above .
8 Furthermore , liability can not be limited or excluded by virtue of s7 of CPA 1987 by any contract term , notice or otherwise .
9 The artist who speaks , works , paints behind the curtain can not be named and labelled and authenticated — pinned down — as tidily as the academic art historian , identifying a drawing , would believe .
10 The analysis which follows in the succeeding five chapters attempts to show that they are irksome ; and indeed many are immovable without other deep-seated changes in society ; and that these can not be advocated or struggled for on the grounds of soil conservation alone .
11 Tickets can not be exchanged or refunded
12 ‘ Because if morality has a status which can not be challenged or transcended then the search itself is under judgment . ’
13 The ‘ bleep test , ’ the faceless , metronomic PT Instructor which can not be cursed or cheated , has honed the squads to a peak of measurable athletic performance , suggesting that our cricketers are fitter than our rugby players .
14 In each case the land has been exploited far beyond its true potential — out of dire necessity during the Wars , and now for blind greed and short-term gain resulting in vast surpluses which can not be eaten or sold .
15 Their Lordships held that such consent can not be given or implied by a course of conduct over the years as it is important in the interests of both the local authority and the public that consent should not be accidental or informal .
16 Video pictures are recorded in the form of overlapping magnetic signals which can not be cut and respliced without severely disrupting the pictures when the tape is played back .
17 And the needs of people with learning difficulties and their carers , above all , can not be defined and prescribed independently of the process of encouraging and helping them to welcome opportunities and change .
18 The theoretical explanation of the universality of electric charge is that the electric current of the charges particles involved in an electromagnetic process must be conserved so that charge can not be created or destroyed .
19 This law states that matter can not be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction .
20 This states that energy can not be created or destroyed , although it may be converted from one form into another .
21 The " principles " of the NHS are equated with a particular set of institutional arrangements which , like a sanctified ancient monument , can not be touched but continue to crumble away under the onslaught of wind and weather .
22 Services Marketing Strategy — for marketers of products that can not be touched or seen and which are highly dependent on people for the quality of output .
23 It can not be prescribed and controlled .
24 The police and the Government can be proud of the police national computer because it fights crime , but it is important that they offer assurance to the general public that it can not be misused and does result in people being dealt with differently .
25 These criteria and restrictions are meant to ensure that the market for the options in any one class can not be manipulated or controlled by any individual or concert party .
26 From the practical standpoint , it is often claimed that there is never enough time to write objectives ; that their use removes the spontaneity from teaching ; and finally that from a clinical point of view they are inappropriate , as much of the teaching is ‘ crisis , teaching and can not be foreseen nor planned .
27 They can not be shot or netted since they refuse to budge and will be sitting tight underground .
28 And power lies in the files , in knowing , and making sure the knowledge can not be checked or shared .
29 However , their benefits are much less tangible than a physical product in that they can not be stored or displayed and satisfaction is achieved through activities ( e.g. transportation from one place to another rather than say a seat on a train ) .
30 UNF The media unit name specified does not exist and , therefore , can not be assigned or used for offline .
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