Example sentences of "can [not/n't] [be] [verb] [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If that part of the journey from home to destination that lies outside the immediate neighbourhood can not be made safely and easily by bike or on foot , then the environmental and safety gains made inside neighbourhood traffic calmed areas are unlikely to be fully utilised .
2 If the law is not a business then the controls of the market can not be applied successfully and alternatives must be sought .
3 Unlike the screen control codes , the printer control codes can not be strung together or explicitly set by preceding them with a " + " or " - " .
4 The scintigrams confirmed NSAID enteropathy , and although subjective improvement was evident after treatment this can not be quantitated accurately and hence the need for faecal analysis .
5 ‘ Strategic planning ’ can not be defined rigidly but , in general , consists firstly , of a broad statement of objectives and strategies for the organisation and , secondly , the formulation of long-term plans to achieve these .
6 the same can not be said today but at least the other conditions still apply .
7 There is hope for a safer environment , but it can not be achieved easily or soon .
8 Opponents of the hunt say that killing seals for non-essential products can not be justified economically or ecologically .
9 If the complaint can not be resolved there and then , complete one of our Client Liaison Forms in resort and then you must notify us in writing within 60 days of the date you returned from holiday .
10 If the problem can not be resolved then and there , a report form , normally available from your Club rep , must be completed in the resort by your party leader who signed the Booking Form .
11 Thus particular cultural forms and practices can not be attached mechanically or even paradigmatic ally to particular classes ; nor , even , can particular interpretations , valuations and uses of a single form or practice .
12 Broad definitions of money also include various items such as deposit accounts in banks that can not be spent directly but which can nevertheless be readily converted into cash .
13 The details of this can not be considered here but two observations must be made .
14 The solution for rm can not be found analytically and has to be found through numerical iteration using a computer or a programmable calculator .
15 The arguments in support of my belief can not be detailed here but the point of departure in common with Lord Simon in Morgan is that the distinction between crimes of basic and crimes of specific intent can only be appreciated against the backdrop of the probative-evidential dialogue which characterizes the criminal trial .
16 The only problem that I can see is that fact that many books can not be taken home and that many sources can not be photocopied .
17 The scientists themselves can not be held solely or even chiefly to blame .
18 A detailed treatment of this topic can not be attempted here and reference should be made to the reviews and selected papers cited on p .
19 The ability to identify and assess problems , and to understand their effects and limitations on patients can not be learned passively and by rote , if only because no two people respond to the same problem in exactly the same way .
20 Today 's conventional data processing systems are often inflexible because they can not be updated efficiently and rapidly .
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