Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] into the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For the potentially more dynamic beginner the choice of board can be expanded into the realms of the long ‘ funboard ’ .
2 Scientific management implicity recognizes the potential for conflict in the motivational power which it ascribes to rewards and punishments , but explicitly rejects the significance of conflict by isolating and dehumanizing the individual as someone whose activities can be integrated into the goals of the organization if those activities are scientifically analysed and objectively controlled ( Braverman 1974 ; Rose 1975 ; and Clegg and Dunkerley 1980 ) .
3 Since linguistic change and rapid dialect mixing appear to be a general characteristic of urban dialects ( Labov 1972b : 300 ) , it seems reasonable to assume that insight can be gained into the processes of their formation if a set of data from a city is compared with a set from a surrounding area .
4 The money that currently goes into forcing less-talented cricketers into retirement can be redirected into the purses of these cricketer' wives , who can thus get all the jobs done that their sporting husbands have not found time for .
5 With enough data , fertility trends can be separated into the components due to period and to cohort effects ( Hobcraft , Menken , and Preston 1982 , Ryder 1980 ) .
6 It may carry fittings for stand-offs , in which case the cross-spar must be rotated so that the fittings point In the correct direction , then the spar can be inserted into the vinyls .
7 But before anything can be put into the hands of the worshipper , many people are involved in its production .
8 ‘ It is not a tool which can be put into the hands of the average explorer .
9 The digestive systems can be divided into the non-ruminants ( the zebra , which is like the horse ) and the ruminants ( wildebeest , topi , and gazelle , which are like the cow ) .
10 Notice that the highest common factor can be divided into the numbers we are working with , so it is a small number in most cases .
11 Spreading can apparently only occur when continental separation can be accommodated into the motions of the global plate system .
12 Up to four Ethernet processors ( supporting eight Ethernets ) , one or two file processors ( with 16Mb metadata cache memory ) and up to three storage processors ( for 30 SCSI I/O channels and 81Gb storage ) can be configured into the servers , which also use a Sparc-based Unix host processor .
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