Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 In a large proportion of the cases , when they can be applied at all , both uses — associative and ascriptive — make equally good sense because the facts observed or imagined can be described equally well either way ; the mental , linguistic , difference is there but both mental representations can be mapped onto the same single external situation .
2 Although many adjectives can , in this phrase or that , be unambiguously assigned to ascriptive use or associative use there is undoubtedly a border zone where adjectives can be interpreted either way ; there will be many phrases for which both interpretations can be mapped onto the same single situation , not just in some particular token occurrences , but in all cases .
3 The Blackshard here can be destroyed in the same way as before ( see New Magic ) , with the same effects .
4 These patterns can be related to the same type of factors as described above for the urban-rural shift .
5 Similarly , the expressions for V in the two regions can be related by the same replacement .
6 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
7 It is likely that other forms of conversation can be analysed in the same way , though this is considerably more difficult .
8 It can be seen by the same argument that if the effect of subjective risk was to systematically alter memory in any other way this would also have important consequences for the future avoidance of dangerous situations .
9 Very loose clusters such as the Hyades are best observed with low powers , when the entire cluster can be seen in the same field ; fainter clusters require extra power .
10 DPT polishing can be done on the same machine , using graduated diamond pastes , but in the Edinburgh workshop we have found that better results are obtained on a separate polishing machine .
11 Prediction of porosity in the Z3 Carbonate can be done in the same way as for the Z2 Carbonate , using either facies or isopach maps ( Figs. 4c ) .
12 Although Fortunatus was an Italian , and although there is nothing comparable to his books of poetry in the sixth-century west , in many respects his writings can be placed in the same tradition as those of Sidonius and Avitus .
13 The confidence limits for estimates of the standard deviation of the population can be treated in the same way when the estimate is based on large samples , using the standard error of the standard deviation as the standard error of estimate .
14 The confidence limits for estimates of the standard deviation of the population can be treated in the same way when the estimate is based on large samples , using the standard error of the standard deviation as the standard error of estimate .
15 The four ( CO ) stretches have just been described ; the two ( MP ) stretches can be analyzed in the same way , and the deformations can be treated similarly .
16 The uPVC pipes can be joined in the same way as uPVC waste and soil pipes — that is by solvent-welding or by ring seal ( push-fit ) joints — but it 's better to use push-fit joints for flexibility .
17 Financial donations can be sent to the same address , with cheques payable to ‘ The Courtauld Institute of Art Fund ’ .
18 By integrating this last equation from r to infinity the time interval measured at a remote point where the gravitational potential is negligible can be compared with the same time interval measured at r : Re-expressing this result in terms of the gravitational potential gives .
19 Powder formulations can be compared in the same way , although since the concentrations tend to be higher this formula can be used :
20 I am no farmer , or perhaps I could understand how wheat and potatoes can be grown at the same time in Ireland .
21 From the success so far , I had to conclude that the parental mucus was merely a dietary supplement and that Green Chromides can be reared in the same manner as the majority of cichlids .
22 This computer programme comes with FINDPHONE and can be applied to the same data to select different types of data for different grammatical purposes , e.g. all words can be extracted and put in a separate file to add to your lexicon .
23 Finally , it almost invariably assumes that substantial improvements can be obtained with the same resources .
24 The fact that several types of relatives can be called by the same term does not mean that they can not be distinguished .
25 There is nothing peculiar in this , for different interests can be expressed within the same political party .
26 This confirms that Oct-11 can be expressed within the same cell type as Oct-2 and that Oct-11 is abundantly expressed in the P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1 cell line and its two hybridoma derivatives MR26/8cC11/E6/C12 and 2MR/47/A/D4/H1 .
27 The implied repo rates for all the remaining eligible bonds can be calculated in the same way .
28 However , keep , paint , leave , produce , drink do not support subordinate clauses ; and , while they can be followed by the same sequence of noun phrase + adjective , the adjective is not clausal in their case but a predicate qualifier , and it shows the other characteristics to be expected of a predicate qualifier .
29 The most recent writers on the subject have been more cautious , and have pointed out that not all towns can be fitted into the same pattern , and that local factors bulked large in each case ( 71 ; 75 , p.45 ) .
30 A type of non-relational database , peculiar to Apple Macintosh computers , sometimes used for the development of interactive video systems , since different types of file ( text , image , sound ) can be searched at the same time .
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