Example sentences of "can [vb infin] for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am pleased to tell my hon. Friend that the latest estimate we can make for the spend on computerisation this year will not be £20 million but £25 million .
2 ‘ No amount of holiday can compensate for the beginning of the autumn term , ’ Andrew answered gloomily .
3 Nothing can compensate for the loss of my sister . ’
4 Technology is changing our world so much that small groups of people through computers and elsewhere are able to determine vast patterns of human behaviour and so it 's gon na be a long struggle but through our struggle in Africa and your struggle here where we all want democracy but democracy 's only a process what we have to contend with is also power because ultimately it 's only when you 're able to exercise that power that you can deliver for the majority of the people .
5 Many women can ache for the love of a child more intensely than for the love of a man .
6 Just to answer some of the queries and comments that perhaps with Mr on the er problems of consultation , which we do accept , and they 're , if I can apologize for the coverage of the leaflet .
7 2 In psychology , generalisation refers to the process that occurs when one stimulus , which is to some degree equivalent to another , can substitute for the other in arousing a conditioned response ( behaviourist psychology ) .
8 No amount of attendance at classes or reading on the subject can substitute for the experience of making a verbal presentation as a manager in a situation where the outcome really matters .
9 And , of course , as children erm , er so I think I can speak for the rest of the children around the base , the erm cigarettes , er not cigarettes , beg your pardon
10 As the estimate is simply the maximum that any hypothesis can achieve for the remainder of the utterance , the estimate is always optimistic and the algorithm is admissible .
11 Until fairly recently I do n't think people have understood the design process or what it can do for the success of their companies .
12 You should keep a copy order and make a note of due dates so that you can plan for the arrival of the stock .
13 This will provide an ‘ off the peg ’ model which practitioners can use for the purchase of individual places .
14 Walking makes you slim , builds cardiovascular fitness , and can develop into a long term habit that you can use for the rest of your life .
15 There are two important fields of action in which we can work for the restoration of a vigorous and healthy economic life .
16 History can vouch for the kind of rapid change of fortune and geography which beset Aubrey and Maturin , nor are their actions ever allowed to be improbable .
17 Having spent some time loading and editing complicated vector graphics files in CorelDRAW I can vouch for the accuracy of this claim .
18 I can vouch for the truth of this .
19 As someone who worked in the BMC when it was at its height , and who has very long acquaintance with both protagonists , I can vouch for the veracity of Dennis 's story as told here , and can only lament the nit-picking which has continued even after its publication in this book .
20 Probably the most depressing words that have ever been pronounced about any slimming diet are those enthusiastic phrases from well-meaning medics on the lines of ‘ This is a diet that you can follow for the rest of your life . ’
21 Where an undertaking refuses to co-operate with the Commission , the Commission can not force access to the premises , but it can call for the assistance of the relevant national authorities in carrying out an active search for evidence and the national authorities must co-operate in providing such assistance .
22 The policy statement , Paying for a Beautiful Countryside , suggests farmers should be invited to say what they can produce for the good of the countryside , rather than being compensated for not carrying out certain types of farming .
23 Alternatively it can be seen as the maximum amount the firm can pay for the opportunity of making the investment , without being worse off financially .
24 Alternatively it can be seen as the maximum amount the firm can pay for the opportunity of making the investment , without being worse off financially .
25 Then , for a trajectory starting at a point on the side of B , providing and z are small ( within D or D " , say ) , we can write for the point at which this trajectory next strikes the top face of B. Here a and b are constants ( which may depend on r ) and A is a 2 X 2 matrix .
26 If the seller of the French property is from the UK , then the buyer can arrange for the transaction to be in sterling , says Mr Barber .
27 By dialling 150 a couple of weeks before you move , you can arrange for the phone in your new home to be connected .
28 Although GPs can arrange for the test to be done , it is almost always preferable to go to a STD clinic .
29 ‘ I 'm afraid it 's too late now for the burial , ’ he said , ‘ but I can arrange for the body to be buried tomorrow . ’
30 If you let me know the outcome of your enquiries we can arrange for the seat to be returned to Snowhill for reinstatement .
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