Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , KPMG Head of Corporate Recovery Tim Hayward cautioned : ‘ Too much should not be read into one quarter 's figures , particularly given the distortion that holidays can make to the third quarter .
2 Even if you know that the answer can wait until the next day it is far better to deal with it at once .
3 Those left out can wait till the next time , but a clever organizer will arrange the groupings so that , as different people come , there are few left out .
4 The mode of production approach produces a type of dependency reversal theory in its insistence that capitalist industrialization can succeed in the Third World .
5 There is not enough time to meet even short-term demands for preparation , marking , report-writing , sorting out pupils ' disputes and clearing up heat-of-the-moment misunderstandings with colleagues , let alone to invest in the longer-term necessities of clearing the backlog of paperwork , replying to letters , ordering supplies , planning schemes of work , reorganizing last year 's course , thinking about what your tutor group can contribute to the fourth year assembly , setting up a meeting with the educational psychologist about Jessica , and spending some time with the word processor manual .
6 I think that teachers need to know people that they can turn to for further advice , but that they could familiarize themselves much more with what , as it were , they can do in the first instance by screening children , by using there are number of published materials , learning inventories , that can be used to discover whether a child has some difficulties that might point in this direction of dyslexia .
7 He and She can refer to the third party in either of the triangular relationships , but in Sonnet 2 He refers to the Friend 's future child , while in 3 She refers to the Friend 's mother ; in 50 and 51 He refers to the poet 's horse !
8 At leat that 's as much as I can remember until the next morning when I woke up with my head in an invisible , sealed gold-fish bowl of pain .
9 Or if in doubt , you can search from the last date of any registration disclosed ( of registration of the seller or of a mortgage , etc ) .
10 Nicholson will be glad when he can remove for the last time the putty nose , hairpiece and false front tooth the make-up wizards gave him each day to make him a mirror-image of bully-boy Hoffa .
11 Even in a city like London , with no large industrial base and a preponderance of casual labourers , we can see in the last half of the nineteenth century , as Gareth Stedman Jones has put it , the ‘ emergence of a working class culture which showed itself impervious to middle class attempts to guide it ’ , even as it remained politically conservative , and it developed deeply rooted family patterns of its own .
12 As you can see from the first diagram , the body of even the toughest fighter is covered with ‘ soft spots ’ ( or vulnerable areas ) which can easily be seen and reached .
13 But they do make sociolinguistic assumptions : in context it is clear that they also assume the early development of a socially elite variety , and we can see from the first sentence of the quotation that ‘ carefulness ’ is probably also involved .
14 As you can see from the second run , pressing is treated as an error ( number 17 ) .
15 Well they 're getting comfy seats and we 're star well as you can see from the last play , Wuthering Heights that erm we actually lost money on that I know it will happen but I feel that we ought to erm go along and get into a healthier position again .
16 Now we can begin on the first phrase — the most important of the whole theme , for the success of everything else depends upon it .
17 A small apple tree , a garden pea or even a strawberry plant pass through various stages during spring and summer and children can look for the first appearance of leaves and flowers and fruit .
18 But sometimes you can look at the Third World , animal slaughter , pollution and so on and just feel the depressing resignation that ‘ young ’ people are supposed to kick against the establishment .
19 The numbers in square brackets give one or more destination numbers , which refer to the line numbers of the sets of candidate letters which can follow at the next character position .
20 And if , if he says to us in meeting that he 's got no small talk and no erm ability for visiting in a hospital situation where you can ask people how they are , and then can move to the next person you 've got to see I 'm not sure how he would be visiting someone in their home .
21 If this is the value required , the user can move to the next field by pressing the TAB key .
22 ‘ The government should now draft and enact legislation for the IBF as soon as possible , so that small firms , 32 per cent of whom are growing , can progress into the next century unhindered by anachronistic rules and regulations . ’
23 If that decision is the right one , then the spirit can progress to the next lesson ; if the person gives in to temptation , then the spirit has to be faced with that choice again and again ( either later in that same life or perhaps in a future one ) until the right decision is reached .
24 If they correspond , then all is well , his concept of the situation is confirmed and he can progress to the next step in the context of his objectives .
25 It is about the same as we can anticipate in the next century , on the basis of currently predicted rates of greenhouse warming , according to scientists like Tom Wigley , Director of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia .
26 This association means that primary gastric MALT lymphoma can develop as a second neoplasm or that other neoplasms can occur in both treated and untreated patients with gastric lymphoma .
27 It is accepted procedure that an imprisoned contemnor can apply to the first instance court to purge his contempt and be released from prison .
28 All errors must be resolved before you can proceed to the next page .
29 And the craziest things can happen at the last minute .
30 Or you can enter into a second Deed of Covenant committing yourself to make payments under both the existing and new covenants .
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