Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [adv] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you are returning to work after child or relative care , try to ensure that you can earn enough in the remainder of that tax year to take you above the lower earnings limit .
2 Where leaching is of only moderate intensity , cations released during weathering can build up in the solutions moving through the weathering mantle and the formation of cation-bearing clays such as illite and smectite is favoured .
3 ‘ We can undress here in the cave if you like .
4 One would think that an old person would have to be living in an isolated cottage , in the heart of the countryside , to be so out of touch with the world ; but sadly we know from the frequent reports in the newspapers that such tragic loneliness can exist right in the heart of our towns and cities , and that the old have sometimes remained undiscovered for weeks and months after they have died in their own homes .
5 Owing to the changes made in the law of intestate succession ( see pp. 111–13 ) , coparcenary can exist only in the case of an entailed interest .
6 You can stay here in the water , if you want . ’
7 The thing is we can stay longer in the swimming pool .
8 A tea bag can stay longer in the cup .
9 Agents often have authority to bind their principals in ways they should not , they can act wrongly in the exercise of their authority without forfeiting it .
10 Looking ahead , Souness said he was confident his side can bounce back in the League after the reverse at Tottenham .
11 THE Marquess of Blandford can expect little in the way of special treatment at Pentonville Prison .
12 Bristleworms of all sizes should always be handled with forceps ; those fluffy white spines can break off in the fishkeeper 's skin .
13 ‘ I 'm sure I can do well in the downhill , ’ Boris continued .
14 Those who prefer to stay at anchor can do so in the area north of the marina , just inside the line of buoys and the remains of an anti-pollution boom .
15 Especially if , mind you , he might not be able to do anything , it 's like I say you you 've got your hot water and it 's probably a job he can do better in the week , one night as long as he says it 's safe to use and you 're not gon na blow the tank up on yourself !
16 The submissions may be drawn together but can appear anywhere in the judgment or they may simply also be scattered through the judgment amongst the judicial reasoning , which may itself be discursive .
17 Any forward movement will prevent a spin from developing , whereas failure to move forwards can result either in the spin continuing or , if the opposite rudder has been applied , in the direction of the spin suddenly reversing .
18 What I mean is , you can choose now in the mornings whether you 're going to be Marie Antoinette or a plumber 's mate .
19 The rent officer is also responsible for monitoring the rents which voluntary hostels can claim back in the form of housing benefits , and there are fears that the limits for hostels will be set at too low a level creating difficulties for both residents and the hostel management .
20 So we 'll have a look at those and see if we can see why in the exam
21 ‘ We can begin again in the morning .
22 Recognizing those limits is a matter of fine judgement ; expensive mistakes , resulting from uncoordinated manufacturing strategies and managerial distraction , can occur even in the cases of integration and diversification motivated solely by manufacturing considerations .
23 These breakages can occur anywhere in the plants , and the fragments can be large or small .
24 In the psychological sense , creation of any sort can occur only in the face of commensurate opposition , and a balance or reconciliation must be established between the two forces in order that the idea may become an actuality and be sustained .
25 It is also pointed out that the danger of " hurrying " and teaching " more " is that time for gathering information and reflecting on practice and the implicit and explicit theories that guide it can evaporate easily in the busyness of increasing demands …
26 This ‘ mobility gap ’ separates the occupied ‘ delocalised ’ states that contain the mobile electrons ( and are so-called precisely because they can move around in the semiconductor ) from vacant delocalised states in higher Landau levels .
27 Get those who are with you on the mat to sit down so that the emergency services have a clear view across the area and can move quickly in the event of accident .
28 It will be recalled that the dislocation is essentially a line defect which can move about in the crystal fairly freely .
29 In the vital chapter ‘ The Shadow of the Past ’ Gandalf says a great deal about it , but his information boils down to three basic data : ( 1 ) the Ring is immensely powerful , in right or wrong hands ; ( 2 ) it is dangerous and ultimately fatal to all its possessors — in a sense there are no right hands ; ( 3 ) it can not simply be left unused or put aside , but must be destroyed , something which can happen only in the place of its origin , Orodruin , Mount Doom .
30 If you 're a home counties man you can sell anywhere in the country .
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