Example sentences of "can [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The choice of a serial implement tat ion for a computer would affect the architecture to the extent that we must choose a representation for negative numbers that can economically be processed in a serial manner .
2 But the implication that Mr is that this is not a criterion which can effectively be operated at the strategic level .
3 But much wider issues than the construction of the Finance Act 1976 have been raised in these appeals and for the first time this House has been asked to consider a detailed argument upon the extent to which reference can properly be made before a court of law in the United Kingdom to proceedings in Parliament recorded in Hansard .
4 Some of these are already apparent following Britain 's entry into the ERM : the stoking up of inflation in the mid-1980s and the creation in the 1990s of a million or so extra unemployed , together with thousands of bankruptcies , can properly be ascribed in the main to priority having been given to a managed exchange rate .
5 Prior to requesting the client to sign such a letter , the firm must be satisfied that the client can properly be regarded as a corporate finance client and place a note on file to this effect ( which is to say that there are no grounds for believing that it would be more appropriate to treat the client as a normal investment business client ) .
6 3 Whether the employer impressed on the employee the confidentiality of the information Thus , though an employer can not prevent the use or disclosure merely by telling the employee that certain information is confidential , the attitude of the employer towards the information provides evidence that may assist in determining whether or not the information can properly be regarded as a business secret .
7 Still more rare should be cases where a stay can properly be imposed in the absence of any fault on the part of the complainant or prosecution .
8 Still more rare should be cases where a stay can properly be imposed in the absence of any fault on the part of the complainant or prosecution .
9 As with the latency period , there is some difference of opinion as to whether adolescence can properly be considered as a specific life-state or whether it should be viewed as a largely cultural phenomenon of more " advanced " , or technological , civilisation .
10 ( This is no doubt in some way concerned with the employee 's honesty. ) 2 The nature of the information itself Information will only be protected if it can properly be classed as a business secret or as material which , while not properly described as a business secret is , in all the circumstances , of such a highly confidential nature as to require the same protection as a business secret eo nomine .
11 I have dealt at length with these tedious and superficially unimportant details because they are the only area of activity in Anselm 's years as archbishop in which a clear , persistent , and deeply felt course of action — such as can properly be described as a ‘ policy ’ — can be detected ; and if we are to understand his mind , we must understand the importance which he attached to this issue .
12 ‘ Parliament in my judgment has assumed and contemplated that the testator will have already made his will before he signs and the words in section 9 ( b ) ‘ give effect to the will ’ in my judgment do more naturally suggest that there is a document already in existence which contains either dispositive provisions or something which can properly be described as a testamentary disposition .
13 It is debatable whether this permission can properly be described as a " right or interest " in the copyright ; if it can be so described then sections 2 to 4 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 do not apply to software contracts and this is the most likely interpretation .
14 In reality this can rarely be achieved on the mountains .
15 Once again Hindu girls from an urban background are most likely to study or at least to continue their courses after marriage , but for Muslim and Sikh girls higher education can rarely be achieved without a struggle .
16 The question of fundamental importance which arises is whether the court should entertain the proposition that an Act of Parliament can so be assailed in the courts that matters should proceed as though the Act or some part of it had never been passed .
17 Foreplay , for instance , can rightly be defined as an activity intended to culminate in sexual intercourse , which means an engaged couple should not have entered into this yet .
18 Although almost all working-class housing in the novel is of that type , since it can better be represented as a ‘ home ’ , it was for that very reason much too expensive for the very poor .
19 One aspect of these changes is the strengthening view that existing boundaries between education and training are artificial and that both can better be seen as a single , lifelong process offered in different ways , to different people at different times .
20 ‘ Chris ’ Nelson can justly be described as the Henry Ford of ice cream novelty production .
21 Alison 's favours break down the boundaries of class ; any man who can lay her in his bed is like a lord , as Absolon says as he anticipates her kiss : Kolve 's interpretation of potentially religious images within the tale is fine as far as it goes , and can justly be quoted against the allegorizers , but there is at least one aspect of the tale that refers irreducibly to a moral frame within which the tale is set : recurrent swearing of oaths by " " Seint Thomas of Kent " " , which reminds us of the framing narrative with its realistic and morally symbolic journey towards Becket 's shrine in Canterbury and the judgement of the tale-telling game just as much as John 's calling upon St Frideswide locates the tale effectively within Oxford .
22 Parler 's influence can especially be seen in the vaulting , most particularly in the stellar designs of the Sacristy and Wenceslaus Chapel .
23 Rappaport 's diagram can obviously be used as a basis for commencing this analysis .
24 However , the task of transferring the central focus from the child to the older relative has not yet been attempted , and this chapter can perhaps be viewed as a small beginning to such a process .
25 The Tibetan Plateau can perhaps be viewed as the ‘ pressure gauge ’ of Asia , with the pressure applied by the Indian continent against Eurasia maintaining its considerable elevation .
26 Huge cuts in EPA 's research Funds ( down by nearly 50 per cent since Reagan took office ) can perhaps be justified on the grounds that , in hard times , scientific priorities can be temporarily reshuffled with little or no long-term damage .
27 The attitude to the Belgian state within that country can perhaps be illustrated by an anecdote .
28 But it can perhaps be seen as an architectural expression of that scented fin de siècle fascination with the Near East that produced in this period such works as Massenet 's opera Thaïs and Strauss 's Salome and the luxuriant novels of Pierre Loti and Pierre Louys .
29 The judges ' deliberate promotion of the Second Empire can perhaps be explained from the standpoint of patronage .
30 Competition fighting can perhaps be likened to a game of chess ; a player only improves by continually playing against another chess player better than himself .
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