Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] [vb pp] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not a term without some disadvantages , since it can justifiably be argued that the term ‘ handicapped ’ may have some negative overtones .
2 The two limitations were that recovery will not be available : ( 1 ) where it can properly be said that the payment was made to close the transaction , and ( 2 ) where the payer was mistaken as to the proper interpretation of the statute .
3 It can perhaps be said that the bereavement care teams who usually now come to help at such times are the public recognition of this phenomenon .
4 However , it is not known whether the courts would accept this argument , because it can perhaps be said that the shares management acquire in Newco are acquired pursuant to ( though not causally connected to ) an opportunity offered to management ( namely to buy Target or its business ) by reason of their employment/directorships with the vendor or Target .
5 In this way it can perhaps be argued that the underlying rationale for the existence of the Eurocurrency market has been somewhat undermined , hence the classification by the BIS statistics to encompass the whole International Banking Market , of which the Euromarket is a part .
6 It can only be hoped that the newly aggressive financial players of the Thatcher era manage to avoid the same errors .
7 It is doubtful whether the unfortunates impounded in the Lazzaretto had time to concern themselves with the aesthetic niceties of the building , and it can only be hoped that the church offered them some spiritual comfort .
8 Whilst these changes pose a formidable challenge to exporters , it can only be hoped that the response they evoke will be conducive to the well-being and prosperity of all .
9 Since this was also a period of great affluence , it can only be assumed that the wealthy customers who commissioned the Kamares cups — aristocrats and priestesses among them — could now afford cups of precious metal instead .
10 Even in the simplest case , the lump sum target , it can only be shown that the target can be used to improve welfare under the assumptions that E is neutral in its effect on production and that there are non-decreasing returns to scale .
11 It can only be surmised that the Marquis was feeling pretty flush after a good win when he made that entry into his accounts , or the caddie was a highly favoured young man indeed , for four shillings at that time would have been over the top on the percentages that a caddie can expect from his round nowadays .
12 It can thus be said that the programmer , rather than the user , dictates the form of the final design .
13 The second quotation should have closed immediately after the words ‘ New Foreign Office ’ , but as the paper stands it can easily be misconstrued that the Report recommended Scott 's appointment .
14 It can easily be shown that the Ernst function Z associated with this solution is given by ( 13.4 )
15 Bream are strictly shoal fish , and the size of a shoal depends upon many things , but it can generally be taken that the bigger the bream the smaller the shoal .
16 It can never be said of a theory that it is true , however well it has withstood rigorous tests , but it can hopefully be said that a current theory is superior to its predecessors in the sense that it is able to withstand tests that falsified those predecessors .
17 It can further be argued that the principal objects , or targets , of the new legislation were not only women , but also children .
18 It can further be guaranteed that the unc are precisely the ( distinct ) variables used for input among the
19 Thus it can hardly be argued that the LEA had not taken steps to facilitate improvements in the school .
20 It can hardly be said that the German Empire contained Prussia .
21 But it can hardly be said that the relationship between the two sectors has been as mutually productive as it might be .
22 Thus the question remains an open one , and it can hardly be said that the hotel proprietor had put his property to any special or unusually sensitive use .
23 But it can hardly be overemphasized that the new images were not constructed in any artificial , mechanistic sense , separate , as it were , from attitudes and real social relationships on the one hand and , on the other , the economic and political structures of society .
24 In such a restricted case , where there is a master-servant relationship it can usually be said that the master or employer ‘ uses ’ as well as the driver , being the servant or employee .
25 Once the discretion arises it is for the court to conduct the necessary balancing exercise between what would otherwise be required by the Convention and the interests of the children , but only where it can clearly be shown that the interests of the children require it should the court refuse to order their return .
26 His methods are still used today and it can reasonably be claimed that the influence of the eighteenth-century cattle breeders has been a major one worldwide .
27 It can also be seen that the transformation ( 12.1 ) is equivalent to adding to V the Stoyanov solution ( 10.29 ) .
28 It can also be seen that the singularity structure of this solution is the same as that of the Khan-Penrose solution .
29 In this case , it can also be seen that the new and initial solutions have the same singularity structure .
30 It can also be seen that the B II minima are more sharply defined than the B I state .
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