Example sentences of "what [is] [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So what 's cooking on the alternative fuels front ?
2 You never know what 's hiding round the next corner in Brighton & Hove .
3 I 'm fighting working harder they ca n't clear what they said what 's happening without the other group coming .
4 say what 's happening on the twenty third of January
5 But when he looks up at what 's happening on the top floor , he sees everything speeded up .
6 If you can tell him what 's happening with the other players he 's happy because then he knows what there is to do .
7 What 's happening with the door-to-door ?
8 Ian Donohue who helped to design the tour t-shirt said : ‘ We will be the first intake of graduates into industry in the 1993 and want to take a first-hand look at what 's happening with the single market . ’
9 So it promises to bridge the gap that still in fact exists in many if not most organizations between what happens at the local and individual level and what 's happening at the corporate level .
10 And it says that 's what 's happening to the poorest communities , the poorest countries in the Third World .
11 What 's happening to the local government this time of the democracy and they have been savagely attacked savagely attacked at the locally controlled Labour councils .
12 According to Lorraine Thorne of the Environmental Investigation Agency : " We just do n't know what 's happening to the marine ecosystem of the Antarctic .
13 and try and find out what they want and what 's happening to the social services and y you know what they think about er what they 'd , what skills they 'd like you to have and the sort of experience you need and so on .
14 We too would like to see some pensioner and pensioner trustees on that trustee board , but we do also recognise because it is er a large scheme heavily weighted er with er pensioners and deferred pensioners in the very fact that it has been transferred from the public centre of public er sector into the private sector , that we would like to see an independent trustee er er appointed on to the er Committee of Management it would er er sort of act as a balance and be able to provide er specialist advice to particularly the Trade Union Trustees and for that matter the Employer Trustees so as to keep a broad balance of what 's happening within the that time .
15 Part of the problem that we got back to when we looked over the issues is that what 's happening in the private sector is not just that it 's growing but that it 's very much in an unplanned fashion .
16 ‘ Where it 's weird , though , is the difficulty of getting a real fix on what 's happening in the outside world .
17 The incoherence I think is that you ca n't ever say that anyone has lost because you do n't know what 's happening in the second and third and fourth erm batch , so I ca n't see how this system is meant to work , Mill seems to be fairly confident that it will .
18 So my position is based on a sort of on going activity which I believe is rooted in what 's happening in the Black community at the moment .
19 Just a bit more about Camco second half is , given these little plus and minuses you 've had in the first , first half , what 's coming in the second ?
20 Th this criterion I think is what I would call an operational criteria , erm it defines effectively what 's going into the new settlement .
21 what 's running on the two thirty wants to be there in time .
22 Surely it can not be long before the Football League discovers what is festering in the Multivite Vegeburger/Singletons Valve Replacement League sewer .
23 It 's become unfashionable because the media is now looking at an alternative scapegoat for the problems the Conservative Party , that 's why it 's a reason and what is arising from the Labour leadership at the moment is purely an attempt to placate the media .
24 What is missing from the latter , and its omission is deliberate rather than accidental , is the detail and texture that comes with knowledge of particular people and particular circumstances .
25 This provides precisely what is missing from the English scene : a body with a long term and wide-ranging view of the land situation complete with powers to act positively in order to solve land availability problems .
26 What is missing in the Chinese room is a window to the world outside .
27 Stay in touch with what is happening at the Grand Theatre — all the news on shows , performers and future plans .
28 Tell the candidate what is happening at the next stage in the selection and/or the date when you will be letting people know your decision .
29 If an old man thinks so , what is happening to the young ?
30 In order to understand what is happening in that country we have to see its internal developments as the effects of what is happening to the international economy as a whole .
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