Example sentences of "will not have a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It seems almost inconceivable that a project plan , policy document , or even a more abstract methodological contribution on conservation , if well-organised and technically sound , will not have a beneficial impact in the real world .
2 But in years 4 and 5 , the years that in other schools would be devoted to working for the GCSE with continuously assessed course-work , and when the TVEI scheme would also be introduced , we are told nothing whatever about examinations , only that the pupils will not have a wide choice of subjects .
3 Erm the constant frequency generator is not actually delaying the first flight , the , the first aircraft will not have a constant frequency generator on board it .
4 Some of the decisions clearly are easier at than others because we get a certain concensus on the easy ones , while we 've gone to some of the more difficult ones to exemplify behind the changes that need to come about that it will not have a direct impact on schools and their school budgets and the children , but will promote the services we 've always done .
5 See opportunist they , they will not have a particular house in mind , they 'll have , they 'll just walk round till this one strikes them .
6 In the short term , enlargement will not have a massive effect one way or another .
7 It is possible that within two or three years the left wing will not have a single executive member it can truly call its own in the constituency section .
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