Example sentences of "can [adv] be [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Such groups can properly be described in terms of free association within a generally accepted cultural diversity , though it must be noted that even here , in many cases , the diversity is established by these initiatives , rather than prepared for them , and that in the cases of particular branches of an art the initiatives often involve significant local conflict .
2 The problems which these and other patients suffer can mostly be explained in terms of detailed functional models of face processing such as that proposed by Bruce and Young ( 1986 ) , in the same way that patients ' different reading problems could be explained by Coltheart ( 1985 ) .
3 The power of a NFP structure that can successfully be transferred across borders is that it can begin to divorce the firm 's performance from national factors and thus reinforce the advantages of global scope .
4 The tartness of the gooseberries and the sweetness of the mangoes combine well to create this refreshing dessert which can literally be made in minutes .
5 Château de Monte Cristo : It can only be visited on Saturdays and Sundays .
6 alcohol can only be served to persons taking table meals .
7 Concepts can only be defined in terms of other concepts , the meanings of which are given .
8 ‘ Money can only be defined in terms of its functions . ’
9 While discussions of what astronomers expect to find can only be expressed in terms of what they already know , those working on IRAS clearly hope that the satellite will make exciting new discoveries .
10 Since the weather , especially wind direction and wind speed , will markedly affect the behaviour of the radioactive cloud , estimates of the number of people exposed and the hazards can only be expressed in terms of probabilities .
11 ‘ We have helped to create a new training culture in this country but that can only be done by businesses focusing on that in partnership with the government . ’
12 This investment can only be justified for systems where transactions have a huge value to that business .
13 The walls and floor do not move and so count as prone , but the Daemon-room can only be damaged by spells and magical weapons .
14 HIV can only be transmitted between men through blood and cum .
15 P-waves can be transmitted through any material ( sound waves are of this type ) , but S-waves can only be transmitted through solids .
16 For practical purposes , this can only be conducted by representatives of the employers and of the employees .
17 That is why the new partnerships can only be understood in terms of the contemporary concepts of organisational mission and vision .
18 The remarkable role he played in Russia 's development can only be understood in terms of his total immersion — intellectual , emotional , moral — in Marxism .
19 The Restoration is , perhaps , all of these things , and can only be understood in terms of the background of those who participated , the pressures for economic , social and political change and the context of the Western threat .
20 The impact of this arrival of South Asian calico can only be understood in terms of those wider social changes already referred to .
21 Russia 's response to the crisis of 1914 can only be understood in terms of the nature of the tsarist regime and of the pressures upon it .
22 The federal pattern of democratic revolution and the Centralista tradition can only be understood in terms of this municipal patriotism .
23 Such Marxists are arguing that whatever people may believe subjectively about their own freedom to make choices which will shape their society , the true locus of change can only be understood in terms of the objective laws of motion and requirements of the capitalist mode of production .
24 Pizzorno argues that the modern underdevelopment of the south of Italy can only be understood in terms of the historical relationship of area to the locations of power and productivity by which it has been dominated and to which it has been marginal .
25 In organisational theory Pfeffer ( 1981 ) argues that power is a relational concept that can only be understood in terms of interactions between individuals and groups .
26 Is a complex idea which can only be explained to parents with great difficulty .
27 Rather , it can only be explained in terms of a massive decline in the quality of conditioning of children : ‘ We live in an era of permissiveness and thus have largely abandoned all attempts to inculcate standards , values and ‘ conscience ’ into our children ’ ( ibid. , p. 209 ) .
28 The power of some pressure groups can only be explained in terms of what may be called an ‘ insider ’ status within the policy-making system .
29 They are to be contrasted with empty words , that is structural words , — those that belong to closed systems and can only be explained in terms of their uses in sentences .
30 In the case of the substantive apple , it is obvious that the lexeme evoked by this word can only be applied to objects of our experience which are by nature apples : it can not be said of a pen or an eraser .
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