Example sentences of "can [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is wide agreement that the recent forest damage can predominantly be ascribed to atmospheric pollution even if there remains uncertainty concerning which pollutants are to blame at which locations and what the response mechanisms are for triggering damage , as well as over how the contributing natural stress factors should be weighted ( Hinrichsen , 1986 ) .
2 It now remains to ask what to many is the most difficult question , whether , given that the services are available , albeit on a limited basis , they can properly be denied to certain patients.3 This raises not only the issue of fairness or justice , but also that of selective treatment and respect for life .
3 If , however , the apparent consent is brought about by dishonesty , there is nothing in the words of section 1(1) , or by reason of any implication that can properly be read into those words , to make such apparent consent relevant as providing a defence .
4 Once jurisdiction can properly be established on this basis then the effect of article 5(1) in the light of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that the court has jurisdiction finally to determine the issues between the parties .
5 If one manages to find the simplest method at the first attempt that can mostly be attributed to good luck .
6 This means that the individual items in each notebook can rarely be dated with any precision and that notes in one notebook may , and often do , presuppose plans in another ; even within single notebooks it is not always possible to determine whether items in a sequence belong together .
7 In this period , the recognition of early flint scatters on the uplands or the coast , or the location of a settlement site , whether in a cave or not , can rarely be divorced from other contemporary sites in the vicinity , even if widely separated .
8 This kind of simple redundancy occurs widely in databases and a significant level of compression can thereby be achieved through little more than an exercise of commonsense and ingenuity .
9 The most he has done has shown what it is to approach things from a moral point of view , he has not shown that only one particular sort of maxim can coherently be universalised in each case .
10 They can rightly be described as such because in each case the plaintiff 's freedom and ability to earn a living was affected .
11 I commend this statement to you , those of you who are responsible for the accounts of your organisations , I hope you will also seek to comply with the , the standard , so that the charities of all organisations , the accounts of all charities can be seen clearly , so that er , you can understand the activities of your organisations from the accounts , and so that one charity can better be compared with another charity .
12 This would be true for at least two of the examples of ( 18 ) , to which we may add at random : ( 32 ) some delegates who were German frowned the starling which is inquisitive is female It is emphatically not the answer to say , " those which can not become postnominal attributives turn into prenominals instead " , for two reasons : first , as we have already seen , there is a major difference of function between prenominal position and predicative position as occupied by the adjective in the sort of relative clause proposed ; and , second , this still leaves us facing the question of why some relative clauses can apparently be reduced to postnominal adjectives and others can not ( indeed this question , previously passed by , has been in serious need of an answer from those who want to relate prenominal adjectives — or simply attributives in general — to predicative position ) .
13 Males , also , can especially be affected by coercive inducements , usually in the opposite direction .
14 Threads can run on uni-processor systems as well as multi-processors , but can obviously be employed to greater advantage on the latter .
15 The logic of exploiting the perception gap between the real cost of benefits and their perceived value to the employee can obviously be applied to other benefits .
16 And this can obviously be done by any intelligent teacher who is not an artist .
17 She may have been aged as young as 12 , the legal age of maturity for women ( her parents ' marriage can perhaps be dated to 829 ) and so about seven years younger than Charles .
18 This ‘ determined hostility of the Socialist Party generally and of the Trade Union movement in particular ’ which Leo Amery later described as a ‘ curious feature ’ ( Amery , 1955 , p. 206 ) of the movement for family allowances can perhaps be explained by two factors .
19 A later catalogue of 1755 listed more of Gray 's stock , ‘ a greater Variety of Trees , Shrubs , Plants and Flowers … than can perhaps be found in any other Garden , for Sale , not only in England , but also in any other part of Europe ’ .
20 The time limit for appeal can only be extended under this section if the reasons stated by the board for its decision are reasons requested in terms of s.18(2) .
21 Some proportional series , however , can only be extended along one axis at a time ; if an attempt is made to extend them along both axes simultaneously , unfillable structure points are created .
22 There is a three-month time limit , which can only be extended for good reasons .
23 This can only be done on specified cliffs and a cagoule must be carried , though not necessarily worn .
24 There are no manuals for this struggle , for it can only be done by those who have pure hearts and sharp wits and the wisdom to know themselves .
25 This can only be done by massive redundancies in the public sector and reductions in the level of benefits and services .
26 Indeed , in my opinion , the privilege can only be justified on two grounds , first that it discourages the ill-treatment of a suspect and secondly that it discourages the production of dubious confessions .
27 Hitting some of the soft spots in certain ways can cause really serious injury and can only be justified in extreme circumstances .
28 It can not be unlocked , and can only be damaged by magical weapons or spells ( T 6 , D 24 due to powerful enchantments ) .
29 It follows that , except in a case where either the common law or statute allows instant dismissal ( e.g. , for gross misconduct ) , a lecturer can only be dismissed for good cause after being given three months ' notice ( though the lecturer can terminate the agreement on three months ' notice without any reason being assigned ) .
30 This kind of coordination can only be studied on whole animals , and could never even be guessed at from … experiments on tissue culture .
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