Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] [vb pp] and [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 When the mechanics of causality have been forsaken , identity can never be known or measured , it can only be postulated and experienced .
2 The moment when it enters his or her head , that X was the one who did it , can thus be concealed and brought out only at the very end of the story .
3 Entities living in , passing through or avoiding sub-spaces or intersections , can thus be found and displayed .
4 But in recent years the knowledge of the role of electricity in the treatment of disease has developed considerably , and there are no technical reasons why the findings and the techniques outlined can not be implemented and developed immediately by any competent specialist .
5 Video pictures are recorded in the form of overlapping magnetic signals which can not be cut and respliced without severely disrupting the pictures when the tape is played back .
6 It can not be prescribed and controlled .
7 After all , oil has little value if it can not be produced and sold .
8 If the former can not be allowed to happen because this spells an end to society , then external coercion must come to replace internal restraint ; and drives which can not be inhibited and redirected by the ego and superego must instead be mastered by agencies of social control .
9 If you would find it easier to work with the doors flat on the floor , they can easily be unscrewed and replaced later .
10 As you can see from the first diagram , the body of even the toughest fighter is covered with ‘ soft spots ’ ( or vulnerable areas ) which can easily be seen and reached .
11 the efficiency of representation of the data so that its particular features are succinctly expressed , and can easily be retrieved and analysed .
12 If the textual sprawl of today 's average ‘ quality ’ newspaper ultimately represents less than the sum of its sections , then it also represents in a more immediate sense the collapse of what Neville Wakefield has recently described as ‘ a world in which information can still be organised and evaluated and hierarchised according to rigid structures of meaning ’ The new generation of ‘ top people 's papers wear their manifold contradictions firmly on their sleeves .
13 As the analyst is gathering these entities , the relationships between the entities can also be determined and named — sometimes they will be named in both directions .
14 Sulphur residues from the process can also be collected and sold .
15 This can be instinctive and it can also be perfected and developed .
16 Babies ' feeding equipment can also be cleaned and sterilised as usual .
17 Through the hierarchical assembly of geometric domains , the relationship of all piece-parts are established and , via the attribute sets , their functionality can now be determined and checked .
18 Inadequacies can then be noted and remedied .
19 The board can then be exposed and processed as normal using the techniques described in previous months .
20 The recorded music can then be notated and played back through the sound card .
21 The combination of steam and pressure releases the nut from the shell , which can then be cracked and removed .
22 The observed price of the object can then be decomposed and thought of as a weighted sum of the prices of each characteristic ; since one does not observe all the attributes , a part of the price of each drawing will remain unexplained , and contain the influence of time ( the trend , if any ) , as well as random elements ; this is the ‘ characteristic free ’ ( i.e. corrected for quality ) price of a drawing ; these prices can now be added and by taking annual averages , one obtains the ‘ average price of the year ’ .
23 This can then be assembled and displayed graphically in order to investigate a design situation or problem .
24 The details of the SPR can then be entered and updated using option 3.2.0 , Update SPR , specifying this SPR identifier .
25 When we feel resentment or act out of a sense of duty it can sometimes be seen and felt by the person concerned .
26 Any material gathered on board the craft can either be recorded and saved as evidence or can be transmitted directly to the police control room .
27 When a sound is low-pitched , the vibration can actually be seen and felt .
28 The argument for a so-called ‘ invulnerable ’ defence system based on Star Wars , to replace the nuclear deterrent , therefore goes hand-in-hand with the proposals for the development of new weapons systems including ‘ limited ’ nuclear weapons , whose use can actually be envisaged and planned .
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