Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] [vb pp] [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 In the provision of public collective goods ‘ consumer preference ’ can only be expressed indirectly and imprecisely in a democracy through the relationship between bureau and legislative sponsor .
2 An SPR can only be closed once and should only be closed when all necessary work has been completed .
3 An SPR can only be closed once and should only be closed when all necessary work has been completed .
4 Procedures can only be used effectively and efficiently in the context of a team structure which has accounted for the systematic management of top priorities and emergencies .
5 Known design positions can thus be generated exactly and the remaining motion modified to the desired points .
6 If that part of the journey from home to destination that lies outside the immediate neighbourhood can not be made safely and easily by bike or on foot , then the environmental and safety gains made inside neighbourhood traffic calmed areas are unlikely to be fully utilised .
7 If the law is not a business then the controls of the market can not be applied successfully and alternatives must be sought .
8 The scintigrams confirmed NSAID enteropathy , and although subjective improvement was evident after treatment this can not be quantitated accurately and hence the need for faecal analysis .
9 At the moment nuclear power stations ca n't be turned up and down to meet fluctuations and demand , and the fluctuation from the morning and afternoon peak demand to the middle of the night trough in demand is at least a factor of two to one , but nuclear power stations can not be turned up and down to match that .
10 That , in some cases , that has been explored for the storage of heat in the summer which you would then use in the winter , but everywhere one comes back to storage nuclear power stations can not be turned up and down quickly at the moment , so either with electricity you have to have a uniform demand for electricity , or you have to , say , burn gas to provide an alternative way of generating electricity which can be turned up and down at will .
11 Design work can not be turned on and off er it is er feel flowing continuous process and we must be particularly must be er as well as practical work in the future .
12 If the complaint can not be resolved there and then , complete one of our Client Liaison Forms in resort and then you must notify us in writing within 60 days of the date you returned from holiday .
13 If the problem can not be resolved then and there , a report form , normally available from your Club rep , must be completed in the resort by your party leader who signed the Booking Form .
14 If the growth of debt continues to slow , either because banks grow more cautious or because borrowed money can not be paid back and has to be written off , this will send share prices lower .
15 The solution for rm can not be found analytically and has to be found through numerical iteration using a computer or a programmable calculator .
16 The only problem that I can see is that fact that many books can not be taken home and that many sources can not be photocopied .
17 Many people at the Home Office would deny this , arguing that the imperatives of fairness and justice should permeate every branch of its work and can not be hived off and left to others .
18 TCG is biased against the taxpayer and in favour of the Revenue , because losses can not be carried back and there is no provision for carrying forward unused annual exemptions nor for top-slicing ( spreading the gains over the years during which they have occurred ) .
19 A detailed treatment of this topic can not be attempted here and reference should be made to the reviews and selected papers cited on p .
20 The ability to identify and assess problems , and to understand their effects and limitations on patients can not be learned passively and by rote , if only because no two people respond to the same problem in exactly the same way .
21 So too his message of the coming kingdom can not be lifted out and carried over to the present : that message was refuted when Jesus himself attempted to provoke the intervention of God and bring about the end of history by challenging the powers and authorities of his own day .
22 Today 's conventional data processing systems are often inflexible because they can not be updated efficiently and rapidly .
23 Most importantly , when a metal artefact is damaged or becomes redundant , the metal can easily be melted down and recycled into another artefact .
24 It can easily be taken down and a smaller movable one would be quite adequate . ’
25 Draining peatbogs to plant trees releases more carbon dioxide than can ever be taken up and stored by the planted trees , according to a report by Friends of the Earth .
26 This can sometimes be felt in the feet as fine crystals , which , when massaged in the correct manner , can gradually be broken down and washed away in the bloodstream as circulation improves .
27 There are more than 350 lots , which were on view at Sotheby 's in New Bond Street , London , earlier this month and which can still be seen today and tomorrow at the Assembly Rooms before the sale begins .
28 A plan of this sort can always be worked out and imposed on a situation , but it is unlikely to work smoothly .
29 The planning implications of this policy became clear in Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 ( 1988 ) : ‘ Opencast coal can often be produced cheaply and profitably … ( it ) is also an integral part of British Coal 's overall production and makes a vital contribution to their finances … it is in the national interest to maximise production where that can be done in an environmentally acceptable way ’ .
30 Assuming all is well so far , the filters and heaters can now be switched on and left to clear the inevitable cloudiness while the temperature settles to around 25°C , at the Fluval 3 end , a couple of degrees lower at the other .
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