Example sentences of "can [adv] [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They are the most powerful because they can most effectively expose the discipline for what it is .
2 It is shown that while the dodecamer under investigation does not contain any B II junctions , the central CpG step can most easily undergo the transition .
3 It is perfectly true that there is nothing conclusively in the poem to make us identify the first stair with Dante 's Inferno , the second with his Purgatorio , the third with Paradiso ; as there is not ( a more piercing uncertainty ) anything to determine for us whether ‘ the broadbacked figure drest in blue and green ’ , with his ‘ music of the flute ’ , is an image of what must be renounced in order to achieve Paradise , or else an image of how terrestrial life can most nearly attain the paradisal .
4 It was in this period , very roughly between 1050 and 1150 , that we can most readily discern the revival of many independent cities ; and it was in the 1150s that the first serious challenge to their independence was mounted by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa .
5 M. You can jolly well read The Catcher In The Rye .
6 The handwriting perhaps prejudices the reader against it , and misspellings like acused , juge , sentencet , can so easily make a teacher feel that the piece is incompetent and deserves low marks .
7 There can be no reliable estimate that — ’ 10 per cent of the homes built in 1980 in New Mexico were made from adobe ’ , because Spanish Americans and Anglo Americans far from rich , can so easily convert the soil from beneath their feet into walls around new rooms , and they do this regularly with their own hands in enlarging their houses .
8 A fresh wind of educational change can so easily become a chill wind , however , and , if it does , the most vulnerable of our children will suffer .
9 His cast is wonderful , avoiding fussiness in a work whose circus-like twists and turns can so easily become a brawl .
10 Our Lord is teaching in these parables and encounters that the pursuit of wealth can so easily become an obstacle to entering the Kingdom .
11 Without professional help we can so easily aggravate the problem .
12 Much nearer to the intense spirit of the original staging is Christine Bunning 's Marenka , taking her tone from the opening duet with Jenik , which can so easily project the character as a social and emotional misfit .
13 Strange , ’ Benjamin mused , ‘ this drunk who can so cleverly bolt the door after him , now finds it impossible to repeat the action to escape from an angry war horse . ’
14 Understood in this way a duty to serve the interests of the enterprise can sensibly only mean a duty to further the commercial success of the business .
15 The 5 million-word subset of the Longman Corpus can only reasonably provide a collocation dictionary of some 12,331 entries , allowing for reduction , repetitions and the low frequency of occurrence of some words .
16 If I had to make a comparison , I can only really compare an Aeronca to some of the latest two-seat side-by-side kitplanes like the Avid Flyer .
17 Interactively organized circuits are highly resistant to analysis by the elimination of single components so we can only really use the lesion method if we can convince ourselves that the brain is organized differently .
18 No doubt one can only really understand a discipline from the inside .
19 " I shall also give a warning to those present , to the effect that , in my view , nothing could be worse for the treatment of cholera than the warm baths , mustard-plasters and compresses recommended by Dr Dunstaple , which can only further reduce the water content of the blood No medicine could be more dangerous in cholera collapse than opium , and calomel in the form of a pill is utterly useless . "
20 Using an element of known direction of curvature one can thus conveniently determine the direction of curvature of another element .
21 The inclusion of related subjects can thus often help the user with a specific search , particularly where he is not adequately familiar with the subject being sought or the way in which the subject is likely to be handled or packaged in the literature .
22 Consumers can not individually discover the safety risks associated with a particular good .
23 Can I put it to you that we can not today accept the recommendation on page forty-eight .
24 Since you very often can not physically divide the space , you have to divide the ‘ look ’ with different lighting or rugs or colour to make separate visual areas .
25 You can , of course , define Pacifism by a reference to force , but you can not thereby save the world from the use of force … .
26 Certain facts need to be considered : ( i ) Repairs — The court can not expressly order a party to pay for or contribute towards the cost of repairs to the house the subject of the court order because its powers are limited to ordering periodical payments and lump sums .
27 And why , when you have agreed a price on the home you want , you can not simply hand the owner a cheque then move in .
28 He points out : ’ A court faced with a young offender who has been involved in the taking of vehicles , even though it may be his third or possibly fourth appearance , can not simply pass a deterrent sentence on the basis of the prevalence of such offending in the locality Section 1(4A) ( b ) of the 1982 Act deals with protecting the public from serious harm from the offender .
29 The point is , we can not simply change a word 's meaning for the whole community by fiat .
30 ‘ We can not simply change the face at the top and expect to win in 1996 on the programme on which we lost in 1992 .
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